IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Technology has been improved recently and it is better than by gone days. it is clear that , it has direct ffect on people's lives because , almost most of people use technology such as , phone , computer and website on
In recent decades, with the rapid development of The Times, technology has developed rapidly, which has had a significant impact on society. In my opinion, these advances have really brought about substantial improvement
Over the last few decades, the majority of individuals' work has been easier compared to past times due to the development of novel technological advancements. Subsequently, this improvement has been affected drastically
In this modern era too many improvments happend in knowlge, which had changed humans life for ever. As can be seen most of this changes were some kind of developments, which iproved peoples life and made living easier th
Nobody can deny that technology affected our life both in a positive and negative way. Recent advancements in technology made our everyday life easy. So, I strongly agree with the former statement and I have ample points
Globalisation has led to major advances in technology and over recent decades there have been a lot of innovations which have led to significant improvements in people's lives. I completely agree with this statement and
Hello, I believe that my writing part should be re-marked because I wrote the minimum number of words, I kept the structure and my ideas were supported by examples. I am looking forward your result.
People have lived significantly advanced their life because it has been increasing over decades these days. I personally agree with the statement. In the following essay, I will discuss the reason why I agree with the gi
This is the modern era, everything depends on technology and It will upgrade day by day in the present Era. So, There have been major advances in technology over recent decades and this has led to significant improvemen
In recent years, there have been significant advances in the sphere of technology and it has led to huge improvements in many people's lives. I completely agree with this statement, since considerable differences between
In this contemporary epoch, the technological advancements have created a substantial influence over the recent years. Consequently, there are major developments occurred in the lifestyle of the people. I strongly opine
Over the past few decades, the world has experienced an unprecedented surge in technological advancements, enhancing various aspects of an individual's life. This essay will discuss to what extent these advancements have
In past decades, technology is flourishing by leaps and bounds and as a result, there has been a dramatic enhancement in individuals lives. There are two main reasons; one is it has changed the way people can communicate
It is often thought that the life of humankind has improved significantly over recent years, as a result of a great advancement in technology. In this essay, we discuss this view, and I completely agree with it.
Human lives have experienced great development due to major progress in digital over the last ten years. This essay will examine how it has affected the mortals in good or bad ways and also relate my view.
Developments in technology in recent years has brought great impacts to the lives of individual in the society today. I strongly believe that the current positive changes in technology has improved people's lives.
In this present world, it is widely argued that technical advancement effect massively in improving the quality in multiple aspects of lives. I completely agree with this statement due to its benefits in conversation sty
Nowadays, state-of-the-art technology is changing the way of our life dramatically, and it is undeniable that this is essential for our lives. Although some people argue that it hurts the environment and innovation shou
The remarkable enhancement in the lives of men and women has been said to be as a result of great improvement in technology. Personally, I strongly agree with this statement because of its positive impact on medicine, a
It is true that a major advancement in machinery over the recent year has led to significant improvement in people's life. Individuals are reluctant on technology more than anything else. I completely agree with the tren
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