IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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some people claim that Internet-based courses is popular among people and some students prefer to choose this type of learning , since they don't force to go to university and give lecture. they think it is not important
After covid outbreak in 2020, most universities have started online learning to provide courses for their students. This way of learning continued to be used until now because it is considered an easier way rather than a
In the recent years, online classes has taken place of the on-compus ones and it has become vastly popular among both students and professors. Some of the enrollments choose these classes over the old ones so there is no
Technology has taken over everything in this contemporary world. Advancement even classrooms have been replaced by YouTube videos and blogs. A large fraction of learners now are more willing to learn from online resource
No doubt , Technology plays a wide role in today's world however , some say that online education is a better way whereas opponents think that offline classes are good .In this essay I will briefly explain both viewpoin
Through activity's precious ups and downs, they define who we truly are and provide a guiding beacon for us to embark on our remarkable journey, in simple words soul experience is priceless. While it is pivotal for one's
Some sets of individuals believe university programs are not fruitful. They think that the courses available online are more precise and emphasis on job oriented skill development. In addition, the majority of employers
With the innovation of technology, Internet-based courses have become a popular alternative to university-based courses. While some pupils prefer this type of learning because they do not need to attend lectures, others
Education is an industry that has seen significant change over the years. Aside from the curriculum the medium of education has become diverse with the advancement in technology. Students no longer have to study at unive
Introduction- Nowadays, attending classes at school and college is less popular among pupils compared to online education, who prefer virtual study base courses and do not need to go to university. While others belie
Nowadays, classroom session is less popular among students when compared to online learning. They prefer internet-based studies as it obsoletes the need of attending any lectures. While others, including me, believe that
Academic education is going to change from a historical form to a modern type ,consequently , virtual learning is standing against in-person classes ,however, a plethora of youth learners prefer e-learning instead of o
The Internet has changed the world, people now like to spend more time in front of computers than in physical locations like classrooms. Similarly, Now online courses are more popular due to the fame of the internet. A l
I would like to say that basically many people are comfortable with a calm and measured life. Contrary to the above, other persons prefer an adventurous course of action until they create a dangerous situation for themse
As we know the internet is very important for people due to reach a lot of information. The internet brings a lot of advantages. That's why students prefer this type of learning. Moreover, they think save time through on
Having become an essential part of educational routine computers are gaining popularity nowadays. However, the idea of using computers in education is embraced not by everyone. In this essay both views are discussed and
This article claims that fast food is becoming part of our life and introduces a question about who should take responsibility for this, the government or every person.
In the dawn of the technology era, education has been impacted just like many other aspects of human life. While there are a plethora of online courses offered by world-renowned professional institutes that are embraced
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