IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Statistics showed that there will be a significant rise in population of cities over the next decades. It is expected that the city will face problems such as, traffic congestion which will result in long time needed to
These days traffic delays and long time commute is major drawbacks in many urbans. This essay will discuss the main causes of this problem and suggest potential solutions to alleviate the situation.
Transport has been becoming a part of people's lives since it is helpful. However, some transit always takes a long time to arrive at a station. It can be caused by problems and it can be solved.
In modern times, people face the problem of delayed travel time due to traffic congestion. Today we will discuss the causes of these problems and how to solve them.
Nowadays traffic jam is a big problem in a lot of cities and big countries. There are have some reason for transport delay. These essays show reasons and the solution to these reasons.
Traffic delays and long journey times are becoming more and more common in many cities these days, leading to passenger frustration. This essay will discuss the main causes of this problem and suggest potential solutions
It has become a common problem nowadays where people have to allocate time for at least double the amount of their original time if they want to reach one place on time. There are various possible reasons that can explai
There are many new phenomenons that are widespread in cities and it is an important subject to concern for all. Long hour delays of transporters or long journey times are one of those. Problems that cause this vary from
Today, cities around the world are facing huge problems due to transport delays. Although several people believe this is caused by the lack of infrastructure others claim this happening because of that people who only th
Nowadays, many urban sites face some phenomena in the connectivity ecosystem, namely increasing delays and total hours when societies would like to travel. This essay is written to explain the reason for earlier trends a
In recent decades, a delay in public transportation systems and long travelling times are common concerns in many metropolitan areas throughout the world. It seems that governments should provide assistance for this phe
I am writing to refer Ms Divina Hillsong, who has uncontrolled diabetes type 2. She requires health teaching and ongoing care.
Although transport plays a pivotal role in everyone's life, the amount of time we spend on roads is creating havoc in our life too. This essay will state some issues related to the scenario and the solutions to improve
Transport is an essential part of urban life, and lengthy journeys are frustrating and expensive. There appear to be three main causes behind this widespread phenomenon and varieties of solutions as this essay will depic
Traffic congestion in urban areas is one of the widespread issue world is facing today and it is causing huge problems for the citizens like increased travel time This essay will discuss the various reasons with possibl
In modern life, mostly in metropolitan towns,delays in public transportation and long journey times are undoubtedly common scenarios.While there are many causes for this phenomenon,appropriate measures should be taken to
It is indubitable that each individual faces a concern related to transport delays as well as extended hours of journey. In this essay, I am illustrating the determinants associated to point, like personal vehicles, a li
Traffic congestion poses a serious threat to many countries. Experts throughout the world have argued that delayed transportation and extended travel times due to unreliable transport systems are the most popular issues
Undoubtedly, transportation has become integral part of urban cities. However, traffic jams and prolonged travel time is becoming common these days. Increased number of vehicles and poor infrastructure could be the main
Transportation is the primary need of city life as journies are frustrating and expensive. This essay will discuss problems related to many cities, such as lack of investment and overcrowd.This dissertation will also dis
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