IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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People believe that utilizing the net brings benefits to modern-day societies, whereas some question the authenticity of the information found online. On the positive side, it is important to realize how the net helps hu
Nowadays, in the modern age, the internet has brought advantages and disadvantages to our world. It makes our life easier. Furthermore, people can do many things without standing from the sofa. Let’s discuss the pros and
In today’s globalised world technology deeply influences our lives. Some people consider that modern tools make easier our life, while others believe using the internet is dangerous, because our information can be stolen
In the coming days, technology has played an imperative role in every activity which makes it easier our life such as internet. By using the internet our lives are more convenient and comfortable. However, several people
In the modern world, the web online has different advanced services for people, such as communication with people around the world via Facebooked and Instagram. Presently, we live in a world of technology and the interne
In the coming days, technology has played an imperative role in every activity which makes easier our life such as the Internet. By using the internet our lives are more convenient and comfortable. However, several peopl
In the contemporary era, technology is become an essential part of our life . as internet. Although internet has a numerous advantage. However, a number of people say online web has some disadvantage to consider about i
The modern world that it is today is very unique, that is, the internet have taken over pretty much every corner of the society. Nearly everyone have access to it and most of them who does stores pretty much everything t
In the modern world, World Wide Web online services have brought many advancements in different areas of work. Most of the sectors have benefitted and made tremendous progress after their online associations. However, i
Presently, it is undeniable that people live in a world with advanced technology, including the power of the internet. Although the internet presents obvious benefits, some people argue that it brings serious problems, p
Technology has blessed humans in many ways, one such invention is cable-net. Some people argue that internet has many pros but its negative point is leaking of data. I completely agree with this statement because a numbe
In recent years technology has become an important part of our everyday life. However, Internet also acquitted problems with control of our security and privacy of our personal information, which outweights the advantage
Nowadays, masses around the globe are residing in a world heavily influenced by technology. Although I agree that internet plies significant comforts to people, I believe that the discomforts arising in the form of less
Today’s world cannot be imagined without the use of technology because of the internet has come up with an obvious benefits but the safety and access limit of data covered up its avail. I completely agree with the opinio
With the advancements in the field of science, humans jumped from one age to another first came the copper age then iron , and now the modern age. Internet, being the backbone of today's world has its fair share of advan
It is clear that in this modern age the use of online applications has made our life easier. Like every other thing, it comes with a set of advantages and disadvantages. I feel that the advantages outweigh the disadvant
Technology has surged in development in the world.The most important factor in the field of technology is the internet. Every development has prons and cons similarly internet also. This essay will discuss the positive s
Technology is the most common phenomenon these days. Almost every person has access to the internet either via a phone, computer, tablet etc. Many people say that despite the advantages that the web brings with it the da
Nowadays, technology is widespread all over the world. Although the use of the internet has tons of advantages, some believe that the disadvantages in terms of being safe, far exceed the advantages. Throughout this essay
This is the era of technology in which we live nowadays. In contemporary settings, however, while I believe that the internet offers us a lot of benefits, I do not agree that problems in regards to the control and safety
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