IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, more and more animals are endangered due to an increasing trend of cutting forests down as well as illegal poaching and urban development. This essay will discuss the main causes of this phenomenon and provide
In the first part of this essay I am going to analyse the reasons behind the increasing threats to animal lives and their habitats, leading to their extinction.
With an ever-increasing human population, the competition for resources has significantly negatively impacted the welfare of many animal species. This essay will discuss why animals should be protected and how this issue
The extinction of animals is unquestionably one of the most prevalent and worrying issues in any society, and its prevention should be taken seriously. Undoubtedly, there are a lot of causes of this horrible trend, howev
It is an undeniable fact that a huge number of animals are deprived of their natural environment as well as they are at the stage of dying out due to various factors such as the cutting of trees, city growth and unauthor
In the present time, with the rampant urge to progress the city through deforestation and illegal hunting; the habitat of animals is continuously being destroyed and with this, the risk for extinction is increasing. Rega
It is undeniable that with the environmental manipulation such as unlawful poaching, cutting trees and other activities for the aim of humans' comforts most animals and plants would stay on the verge of extinction. From
Nowadays, due to the rapid development of urbanisation, deforestation and illegal hunting, wild animal species is becoming endangered and some species are even close to extinction. I believe it is important to protect ne
Nowadays, poaching, urban spreading and deforestation have destroyed the habitats of numerous wild animals, which endanger and even push them to the brink of extinction. In my opinion, I strongly agree that we need to pr
The bar chart shows the percentenge of weekly income used by the family in one country in the year 1968 and 2018. Overall the highest presentege is on food in 1968 and most on leisure time in the year 2018.The others lik
In today's world people face a problem with animals' extinction. It is quite common due to logging, unlicensed hunting and urban development. In my opinion, it is essential to protect animals. Only humans are responsibl
The number of animals is increasingly declining enormously. The cutting of trees urbanization and pouching is endangered and threatening the disappearance of animals from the earth. First, I will discuss the causes of an
A large proportion of animals are slowly becoming extinct from nature due to the over-exploitation of nature by mankind. As superior species, it's our duty to preserve them from the verge of extinction. This essay throw
In this present world, a vast expanse of forests and the habitats of creatures are disappearing along with increasing human activities, which has posed a threat to the survival of animals. I permanently insist to protect
It is obvious that forests are becoming fewer day by day, and urbanisation and illegal hunting increasing as well. I strongly believe that it is vital to protect animals for a better future and a hopeful world.
Many animals have suffered from human's selfish actions, such as cutting down trees, urbanization and poaching, which leads to more and more endangered species and extinction. In my opinion, although these revolutions ha
It is no longer a surprise that most animal varieties have lost their homes and some are endangered of their lives. This is due to the cutting down of trees, urban development, and the unauthorized killing of animals. Wh
Many animals are affected by human's activites and infratructure such as urban development and illegal hunting. Those activities result in the losing animals' foods and house. Moreover, some kinds of species become extin
Over the years we have seen massive ignorance from humans in terms of protecting other species. We have been indulged in some grave activities like deforestation, urban development and hunting, that has endangered numero
In recent times, numerous animal species have been endangered since they miss the place where they live and are even intimidated by the vanished. This thing happens because there are deforestation, developing infrastruct
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