IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am happy to hear that you're coming to Japan soon. When are you exactly arriving? I can potentially have some time off from work so would be nice to know that beforehand. And we can maybe make a trip plan.
I’m really excited about your plan to work in India for a few months. I fondly remember about us chit chatting for hours in school classes back in the days. I would feel joyful meeting you back after these many years.
I hope you are doing well when you find this piece of paper. Yesterday, I was talking with Kamal and She told me you are moving to Canada for the next half of the year for work. I am super excited to meet you. I already
I hope you're doing well. I'm highly delighted to hear about your upcoming half year trip to Singapore, and I'm exicted to share some insights about the different aspects of my beloved city.
How are you?I hope to have nice day.I a writting this letter because Kejdi explain me that you came to live in my country for 6 months.When you came here I can help you for everything.
I hope you are doing well. I received your letter yesterday and I am glad that you came to Pakistan for employment hunting and would stay here for 6 months. I would really want you to stay in Karachi as I am currently re
Hope you are doing well. It is happy to hear that you are coming to India to work for 6 months. I think you may look for jobs in Pune, because of various reason which includes the multiple options available for the job b
I hope this letter finds you in the pink of your health. As you mentioned last time about your half-year visit to my country, I thought of writing about a few suggestions.
I thought you would be interested in knowing more about the job opportunities here in Canada, since you were considering coming here for work. Canada is a progressive country with a lot of exciting employment options. He
I hope this letter finds you well. I had received your letter yesterday, and it is always great to hear from you. I am thrilled to know that you are planning to visit my country. India is an amazing country, and there is
I am so surprised to hear that you have been living in Kyrgyzstan since last December. I hope you find our city is good for living and working, because Bishkek is quite a green city. I remember that you had an allergy fo
I’m sorry I cut our call short earlier this week, but I’m excited to know you will be coming so soon! Philly is such a great place for people like you who want a bit of history, but also an active nightlife. There are al
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