IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The reason I am writing to you is to inform you that I have some issues with my iPhone which I ordered from your online store and I want to send it back.
I am writing this letter to express my dissatisfaction about a phone I purchased recently through your website.
Last Saturday, I bought a Dragon Year limited edition glass on TaoBao’s online shopping platform as my grandma’s birthday gift, but surprised me was that it broke when I received it.
I'm writing this letter to complain about I ordered an thing from the your an online store. Likewise, it has very bad injured. The product is in unsatisfactory condition. I got for classmate this product. My classmate we
I am writing to you to explain the letter that last week, I bought phone from a online store so I was prefer than ones that day, but it is not meet the demand since it has arrived ruined.
The reason why I am addressing you is that, I want to ask you to return my money in light of the item was damaged. I was ordered it in two days ago.
The ground of writing to you is that I am Nazimov Yunus and I dissatifisfield because I ordered 10 sofas from your online store on February 20th
I hope this email finds you in good health. I am writing this email to express concern about the product that I bought from your online store a couple of days ago.
My name is David and I am writing this letter to address a malfunction. I recently bought a costly ASUS laptop in your retail store just to find out it is damaged. In addition, It has been brought to my attention that so
I am writing a letter to regarding the malfunctioning the washing machine, Which is purchased recently and it is under warranty. I want my refund or arrange to exchange the damaged item.
I am writing this letter to complain about the last camera I purchased from your store On 14 of October I purchased the camera after a long wait of two weeks.
I am writing to inform you about the order that I placed from your online store last week and I purchased a Kingtor blender. After a long wait of three weeks, the package just arrived today and was disappointed to discov
I recently purchased a TIMO blender from your online store and was disappointed to find that the glass parts of the device had been broken during shipping.
I am writing this letter to you regarding an item, I bought from your shop yesterday which came damaged. I will attach the bill with this letter for your reference.
I am writing this to inform you that I bought a laptop from your online store. Unfortunately, the laptop was not as same as mentioned in your online store profile.
I recently ordered an air fryer ,unfortunately when opened it, I discovered that the handle of its cap is broken.l was very disappointed to see this because I had a plan for preparing food at the weekend.
I have recently purchased a Laptop from your online store last Monday. However, After receiving the product I noticed that the display of the Laptop is damaged at the right corner of the screen. This is something I did n
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