IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is thought that with the use of recent technology, society become more intimate towards one another, while others believe that it creates a seperation. Although technology can be said to be the reason some people are
An argument has arisen between the two groups regarding how modern technology has affected the way people socialize with others. Some say that as the technology gets more advanced, it is easier for them to communicate wi
Most people argue that technological advancements have brought people together while others oppose this viewpoint and say that it has driven us apart. In this essay, I will argue both viewpoints and give my opinion in fa
In modern life, technology has transformed the way that we make and keep relationships. For some, these changes have been positive but others believed that they have made us more separate than before. I think that both o
Modern technology comes with its own advantages and disadvantages. In my opinion, I would say advanced technology keeps people together with inseparable bonding. However, others claim that it has impacted negatively on s
The majority of the population believes that advancing technology has brought people closer to each other while others oppose this notion. Personally, I concur with the fact that the internet has given us an opportunit
Majority of the population believes that the advancing technology has brought people closer to each other while others oppose with this notion. Personally, I concur with the fact that the internet has given us an opportu
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