IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There is an idea that people after graduation, regardless of women, have to participate in the army system in their nation. the writer of this essay strongly supports that suggestion for several reasons. The key aspect o
I agree that all countries have military service for men. In my country, there is military account for all dude and I think that this is a good thing. It teaches fellow many new things and new skills that are important f
It is common for people to pay for healthcare in various nations. However, some argue that government should detail that all people could be taken the medical care for free payment. In this essay I will explain why I dis
In many parts of the world young fellows are required to join the armed forces after leaving school. While a number of people think that this is a necessity, I would argue this fact. In this essay, I am plannig to explor
Military training is a must for young men in various nations. There are considerations of generalising this trend worldwide to include females as well. I completely disagree that the government forces such practice down
One of the most recent trend of today’s world is the compulsory military service after leave school for young men. From this trainings government tries to build a lawful and healthy young generation to country. It is a g
There is no doubt that these days the need for medical care becomes essential for everyone. The question is that if medical care should be paid for by people or be covered by the government. In this ,essay I am going t
There is no doubt that these days compulsory military service for young men after they leave school has a great impact on their personality formulation and makes them more responsible for facing the external environmen
In majority of the country, citizens have to pay in order to be able to access wide range of healthcare facilities. However, others believe that the healthcare sector should be free for everyone. As for me, I partially c
Military service is vital in every country's safety, hence the individuals who contribute to the success of the armed force would be appreciated. However, I do not believe it is a crucial idea to have adolescents getting
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