IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I hope this letter finds you radient in health and best of spirits. I am very excited for your visit to Toronto in Canada on this Summer vacations. Its the best time to visit as their are lots of tourist places you can v
How are you? I am happy from you coming here. The reason why I am addressing you that I want to inform about you need bring some things from home.
How are you? I hope you and your family are all doing well. It has been years since we last met each other in Vietnam. I am incredibly happy that you decided to have your upcoming holiday in Vancouver, especially conside
Heard you’ll be swinging by Antalya with your family to warm up after another long Russian winter. I remember how you and me partied on Thailand 10 years back. You’ve always loved spending time on the sea!
How are you? It seems years since we last saw each other in Vietnam. I am incredibly happy when you have decided to come to Vancouver to visit me, especially considering that you have never been to this city before. I ca
Dear Nisha, I’m so glad that you’re coming to Montreal next week, as it seems ages since we last saw each other. I hope your family and girlfriend are all well. I actually have a favour to ask you, and I hope you don’t
It's been for ages that we never meet since two years a go that I came to visiting you in Japan. And it was wonderful experience that I would never forget. Well, now is your turn to come to visiting me, I am so happy tha
I am so glad that you're coming to Karachi next week, as it seems ages since we last saw each other. I hope your family and your girlfriend are all well. I actually have a favour to ask you, and I hope you don't mind. Th
Dear Peter, I’m so glad that you’re coming to Montreal next week, as it seems ages since we last saw each other. I hope your family and girlfriend are all well. I actually have a favour to ask you, and I hope you don’t
Hope you and all your family are doing well. I’m doing fine, though my life is quite hectic at the moment because I’m preparing for my end terms exams and there are so many things to do! I actually have a favour to ask
I am glad to hear about your visit to America next week for just relaxing and travelling. I cannot express my happiness in words. First of all, I can and should say that we are going to meet after 1 year and I hope you
I am glad heard about your visit to America next week for just relax and travel. I cannot express my happiness is words. First of all, I can and should say that, we are going to meet after 1years and I hope you have been
I am so happy that you are coming to Newyork next week. I hope your family and girlfriend are doing great. I actually need a favour from you as you are travelling from my place, you need to bring some items from my paren
I'm so glad that you're coming to Alberta next month, as it seems ages since we last saw each other. I actually have a favour to ask you, and I hope you don't mind. The fact is that I need a few things from my parent's h
Dear Nisha, I’m so glad that you’re coming to Montreal next week, as it seems ages since we last saw each other. I hope your family and girlfriend are all well. I actually have a favour to ask you, and I hope you don’t
I'm glad to hear about your visit to Canada next month, and can't express my happiness in words. Finally, we are going to meet after two long years, and I hope you have been doing great all this time. I'm writing to ask
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