IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am living in a university residence and I am writing to register a complaint about the high levels of noise from a new campus restaurant which is open late at night.
I am writing this letter to you, I tell you about noise. This is noise my study settle. So this is problem ask solution and this is well everybody. I hope a understand to you.
The reason why I am addressing you is that high levels of noise in the restaurant in front of University. This restaurant called "RICH". When it is midnight high levels of noise will be heard from restaurant, therefore,I
I am writing to bring to your attention a pressing issue that has been causing significant discomfort to the residents of the University residence. Although I am delighted that we have this facility that offers tremendou
I am writing this letter to express my dissatisfaction with the high amount of noise coming from the newly-opened restaurant on campus. Although all of the students are pleased with the facility, however, it causes a hug
I am writing this to express my annoyance with the noise that comes from the new campus restaurant which stays open until midnight. I live right next to the restaurant and at times, it becomes troublesome because the res
I am writing to inform you that there is noise pollution around Saigon University. I am a student who is living in a university residence. Currently, my friends and I are disrupted by extreme noises such as singing, spe
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the newly opened Campus restaurant. I have been studying at this University for three years. I started hearing unusual noises from the eating place. I am extremely disappo
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my concerns regarding the newly opened restaurant which is located near our university residence. Although the restaurant’s convenient location offers potential
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my concerns about the problem associated with the newly opened restaurant in the university residence. While the restaurant's convenient location offers potentia
I am writing to ask for information about a new school which is studying foreign languages. I have read your advertisement for the school and courses and would like to get more information.
I hope this letter is for you in radiant health and the best of spirits. I am writing this letter with the crucial purpose of giving some I am writing about a nearby opened cafe. This cafe is very noisy.
I am writing to you in regard to the new campus restaurant. This restaurant has only opened recently in a location surrounded by campus residence areas. The restaurant is also open until late at midnight and the amount o
This is pertaining to the campus restaurant which is functional till mid-night. There is a lot of loud sound being heard from there as many vehicles are coming there, and people are talking loudly. Many are trying to sle
Dear Mr Smith, I am writing regarding the amount of noise coming from the new canteen which has just opened near my University residence. Although I am pleased that we have this facility, the restaurant remains open up t
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