IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am writing in connection to the possibility of using the hall. I am mah Kar one of the members of the musician group who were practising on Tuesday and Friday evenings in the community hall. The team included 6 instrum
I am writing this letter on behalf of group of musicians, with regards to the recent notice that we are no longer allowed to use the community hall.
I am Akanksha, I am one who is using your community hall for the music practice. i am writing this letter to tell you that our full band of 20 people are fully dependent on your place for rehearsal of music.
I am akanksha, I am one who is using your community hall for the music practice. i am writing this letter to tell you that our fill band of 20 people are fully depend on your place for reherseal of music.
my name is Katharina Wilfinger and I am writing to you regarding your letter about the termination of our practice time in the community hall. We were very sad about this sudden change, as we enjoy the location very much
I have written this letter to object to the recent decision of removing me and my band from the community hall and preventing us from practising.
I sowjanya who is using your community hall with six of my friends to learn piano. I am writing this letter to inform you that we got a request to vacate the hall immediately because of our disturbances to the other peo
My name is Eva and I am a pianist from a musical band. I am writing to express disappointment with regard to the possibility of having concerts at the community hall anymore. Our group used to rehearse there to hold rock
My name is Peter. I am memeber of the famous musician band which name is Rockstar Band. Hope you are doing well. I am writing this letter to get your attention towards to practicing for music for upcoming event at commun
I'm a member group of Thai musicians that would like to join in this public hall in the evenings on Tuesday and Friday per week for practise our music.
I am one of the musicians who practise in your community hall on Tuesday and Friday evenings with my group. We came to know that we will not be allowed to use the hall for our rehearsals anymore. I am writing this letter
I am writing this letter on behalf of my beloved group called ABC & Co who use to perform mesmerizing musical activities in the local community hall. As you know, we are doing spectacular performances twice a week along
My name is Shikha, and I am a member of the ABC band. We have been using the TDI community hall for the last 1 year to practice. This Sunday, we got a call that we cannot use the hall from now onwards. As you know, we do
My name is Gobinda Mudvhari one of the parts of musicians who practice Tuesday and Friday evenings We listened to your notice about the community hall will be busy Tuesday and Friday evenings from next week.
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