IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I'm writing to you with regretful news regarding our planned visit to England. Unfortunately, an unexpected and important event has arisen back home, which ne
Hello, how are you doing, my bestie. I didn’t really want this, but I have to tell you something that might offend you. I wanted to warn you that I can’t go to see you this week in England.
I wanted to tell you that unfortunately I can’t go to see you in England because we are celebrating an important event at our house. my brother is getting married. and this is one of the very important events in his li
I wanted visit to you in England in 26th September but I have an important event at home and my plan visit changed because 27th September my mom's birthday, I need to be at home with my family and I want celebrate my mom
I am writing this letter to bring your attention I am really glad all things work out with you as we planned for come to visit Englend and I was enthusiastic unfortunately I am going to cancel this plane for a reson.
I'm writing this letter to you to tell you about last Sunday. I know that the holiday was really important for you. But I'm sure that you understand that being my son in hospital with an order of surgery, how much can af
How are you? I hope you doing well! I am very excited to see you there. I am writing this letter to inform you about a change of the date of my visit due to the sudden marriage arranged by my sister at my home on the sa
I hope my letter finds you well and healthy. I was so excited to see in next week but unfortunately, I got some important work at home. So, I had to postpone my visit to England to another month.
I hope this letter finds you in radiant health and to the best of spirits. I know you must be very excited about my visit to your place but unfortunately I have to postpone my plan due to some other important commitments
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