IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am writing a letter to you give information, yesterday I got an offer of job another company and Iam sending letter to give me permisson to out of here.
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you of my decision to step back from my voluntary work at your company. It has been a fulfilling experience being part of this organization and contributing to o
I hope this email finds you in good health. I am writing this letter to provide some information about the volunteer work that I have been doing in your reputed organization since 2023.
Hope you are doing well . I am Mohini working with your organization for two years. I am writing this letter to inform you that from next month I am unable to continue my services in your NGO.
After greetings, I am writing this letter to you with regard to the voluntary campaign that takes part in our neighbourhood, I was one of the participants and my mission was to collect used clothes and then deliver them
I am writing this letter to you to discuss my upcoming voluntary work at the Nepean Public School. I am permanently moving out of the state to pursue my B.Tech. in the United States of America.
I am writing today to express that I can not work with our charity organization , and kindly seek your approval in this matter.I had a wonderful experience and learnt a lot during my tenure. I am grateful to you for prov
I am writing to let you know that I have been working with your organization since last six months. I use to volunteer in cleaning the lakes around the city and collect garbage from the road-side. Therefore, it has alway
I am writing this letter very sadly due to cutting off my services with your organization. I will not be available anymore to help my local dwellers through your community events. I worked in the healthcare care departme
I ,Ruchika Pawar , an enthuthiast ,serving as a head of the ecoclub which has been an integral part of ECORISE community in the city of Yorkshire since centuries, am writing this letter to bring into your notice regardi
I ,Ruchika Pawar , an enthusiast,serving as a head of the eco-club which has been an integral part of the ECORISE community in the city of Yorkshire for centuries, am writing this letter to bring to your notice regardin
I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing this letter to inform you that I would not be able to continue my job as the head of a department that mainly concerns with the amenities of local society. I have
I am a social worker who is working as a volunteer to look after the geriatric age people within our community through your Charity in Silicon Valley. I am writing this letter to inform you that I will not be able to per
I am Pinar. I have been working voluntary program as a primary school teacher for two years I am writing about I am not able to keep doing this role.
Writing to you to tell you bad news.As you know I was a student in the last form of school.All my life I had green fingers and tried to do for nature protection as much as I could.However,I have just passed my A-levels,
I am very grateful that I got a chance to work in the organization. I learnt a plethora of important skills so far that include mass communication, public speaking, group activities, work responsibility and many other tr
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