IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am writing this letter to apologise for not attending the interview on time-related to the vacancy for which I was invited to study a subject in a college which was organised on 15 May at 12:00pm at St George College.
I am Sarah. I am writing this letter to apologies because of my absence to the interview which was scheduled on 23 of March and to arrange a new appoiment.
I hope this email finds you in good health and you are doing well. I am writing this email to inform you of some concerns about the interview that I am supposed to attend next week as a prerequisite for placement in the
I hope this email finds you in good health and you are doing well. I am writing this email to inform you some concerns about the interview that I supposed to attend in the next week as a prerequisite of placement in the
Thank you for inviting me to the interview in your mail dated July 25 at 11 AM. Unfortunately, I can not be able to come for the interview at that time as I have an important exam already scheduled.
Thank you for inviting me to the interview in your mail dated July 25 at 11 AM. Unfortunately, I can not be able to come for the interview at that time as I have an important exam.
I am so grateful to receive your invitation for the interview next week about your course . Unfortunately, I have to write to apologise firstly, I might not be able to attend it on time due to the time conflict.
I am writing this letter to hope Inform you about I can not keep this appointment and I hope your kindness acceptation.My interview venue in head office , Colombo , 25 th of friday at 10.30 a.m and interviewed by Mr.Arun
I am writing to inform you that I am not able to attend my interview for a vacancy at your college since I would have a load of things to do.I was so excited to receive a letter from you informing me that my application
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