IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am writing in connection with the article in your magazine which has been published in your magazine about the infrastructure of Zanjan. According to this article, Zanjan has a weak infrastructure. From an environmenta
I want to refer to the article "Places to visit in Gulshan Iqbal Town" published in your international travel magzine last week. I want to clarify that the visiting hours for Aircraft Museum is from 11:00AM to 9:00PM on
I am Ram from the town of Kailasha, India. There was a recent article about my town printed in your reputed travel magazine "Traveloka" on 12th May 2024. Though most of the information mentioned was accurate, there were
I am writing this letter in order to warn you that an internationally published tourism magazine I have just read includes some wrong pieces of information about my town, Fethiye.
I recently came across your article on Hue City Viet Nam and I must address some inaccuracies in the information provided . The article states that Hue Bun Bo Hue is not Hue cuisine this is not correct are residents of
I am writing this letter regarding the article which had published in your magazine last Sunday. There was an article about my home town Hue City. However, I read the said article and I would like to mention, that there
I recently came across your article on Hue city, Vietnam, and I must address some inaccuracies in the information provided. The article states that Hue city is located in the northern part of Vietnam, which is simply inc
I am writing this letter to inform you about an article which I read in an International travel magazine in which there is some wrong information published related to my town whose name is Gage Town.
I have recently read an article in your international travel magazine and I was very delighted when I came to know that the information related to my town, Amritsar, was given in that article. I am writing to inform you
I hope you are doing great. I am writing this letter to tell you that I read a column in your magazine regarding the information about the urban areas of our country in which some knowledge about my town is wrong. I read
I hope you are doing great. I am writing to draw your attention to the latest article published last week in your international travel magazine related to incorrect information about my hometown.
The purpose of this letter is to give some information about the contents of your magazine published yesterday. When I paid attention to the head of it, I realized there were some mistakes in my city(Tehran) that I shoul
I hope this letter finds you helpful.I recently read an article in an international travel magazine published in the july 2023 that is incorrect with information that you provided.Issue about the town that is belongs to
I am writing this to report about information which has been printed incorrectly in the latest edition of the travel magazine The World All About Knowledge.
I am writing to provide some accurate information for your article in an international travel magazine. I believe my past experiences make me an expert on the location, and I want to emphasize that you can give incorrect
I am writing to complain about an article which published yesterday. In article, it was mentioned that Manchester is not a safe city any more.
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