IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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First of all, I just want to thank you for looking after the kitten and the house, while we are out for the holidays. It really means a lot, I don’t know what I would do without you buddy,but Ijust wanted to give you a h
I hope this letter finds you radiant in health and best of spirits. I am writing this letter to say that you will help me out to look after my house when I am away from my house .
I hope your are going well. I am delighted to know that you will be able to take care of my cats and my house while I am going on a vacation. I am writing to let you know some instruction on how to look after my pets and
I hope this letter finds you in great health and you are doing well there. how ae you, girl ? I really miss you long time no see you since finished our studies in senoir high school, I am can not wait to find you in my
Hope you this letter finds you in radiant health and soul. I need your assistance to take care of my pet and home while I'm on away. Actually, I plan for one week trip to goa with my family. We travel through plan and un
I thank you indeed for your kindness considering to be in my home and taking care of my dog in the time that I'm abroad for the yearly summer vacations.
How are you? I hope you doing great! Thank you so much for your kindness and help. Meanwhile, I want to tell you that I will leave the house for the meeting in Australia on the 10th of January and come back on the 20th o
I'm so happy to hear from you again. I missed you so both much and I can't wait to be back! I would like thank you big time and Jake in accomodating me in your cozy apartment and for letting me experience the best activi
I am very thankful to you that you have agreed to stay at my home and take care of my dog. When I would go outside on holidays for three days. If you find any problem while staying at my home, you can contact me on this
It's been a long time since we met. How are you doing? Anyways, thank you for agreeing to take care of my home and chotu while I'm on vacation to India.
I hope you are doing well. I really appreciate you for looking after my house along with my dog for the weekend while I'm away at the sales convention.
I hope this email finds you in good health and you are doing well. I am writing this letter to give you some instructions about looking after my house, as I will be travelling to New Zealand next week.
I hope you are doing great. It's been a while since we met each other. As you already know, I'm going out of town for a few weeks due to an official trip. So, I'm writing this letter to give you some information about my
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