IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am writing to express my gratitude regarding an event my friends and me held yesterday in your restaurant. The dinner was devoted to my birthday, and I would like to admit that it was the most delightful celebration I
I am writing in regard to a letter of complaint about poor service from one of our organization. My name is Charlie Green, the manager of the restaurant. I would like to sincerely apologise for the inconvenience that cau
I, Anmol Gupta, one of your customers, am writing this letter with regard to my recent experience at your restaurant in Mumbai. My friends and I were greatly pleased with the food and services offered to us during our vi
I am Sara and I am writing to you with regard celebration which my friends and I did it in your restaurant. Everything was great and we are so happy selected your place for our special gathering.
I am writing this letter to appreciate your food and your service during our visit to your restaurant 'Kelsey's' in commemoration of our very special day of my parent's anniversary.
I am writing this letter to appreciate your food and your service during our visit to your restaurant 'Kelsey's' on commemoration of our very special day of my parents anniversary.
My name is Diluc and I'm a manager of a tavern "Share of Angels". And I writing you an apology letter about the incident that happened to you recently. I know the reason for your complaint. It's because our new waiter, w
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my sincere appreciation for the exceptional services that I received at your restaurant.
My friends and I went to a restaurant to celebrate. We have not talked in a while. We are all busy with our work. We went to a restaurant in our city. The name of this restaurant is "Muhtasham". The restaurant is modern
I am writing to express my satisfication and admiration regarding the outstanding food and service we have enjoyed in your restaraunt "Big star" last Friday.
I am writing to express my personal gratitude for great conveniences of your restaurant . Although, my parents and I have many choices for choosing place to celebrate special day, but I don't regret spend that time in y
I am writing to express my thank for the exceptional experience i and my family had at your restaurant last night. We visit your restaurant to celebrate my wife’s birthday,and i must say that we were happy with both the
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