IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am writing in connection with the all-day educational meeting that was held on 21 September in your hotel. I am Mahshid Kargar and I was the manager of that event. According to feedback I acquired via questionnaire, pa
I am a manager who organized the workshop at your hotel last weekend. I am writing to you to express some comments from participants from the workshop.
I'm writing to you regarding the all-day corporate event that was hosted in your hotel last weekend. I was responsible for organizing it and collecting feedback afterwards and would like to share my findings.
I am writing this letter to express my gratitude for the wonderful arrangements for our conference in your hotel. Hotel "King" is a well-known brand for its quality service for the last 25 years. Not only the exterior an
My name is khashayar Partovi. I have booked your hotel for our meeting which was held from Monday to Thursday last week. I am writing this letter regarding to our participants feedback about your services
My name is Quang Le and I was recently organised an event in your hotel. Everything were so good, the rooms for guests were clean_the lobby was so fancy and your employee maked a very warm welcome for us. All the partici
My Name is Parth Patel and I am working in a IT Depart-ment, My company Name is globle Devlopers. In this letter I willinform yoy that I will arrange my office meeting know many people in your Hotel blankit holl. Because
Last week I organised a meeting on Monday for a compleet day in your hotel from morning untill the night for my company ; however , every thing in your hotel was perfect there was a point that I like to share with you in
I hope this email finds you in radiant health and you are doing well. I am writing this letter to express concerns about the overall services that we took during the day-long meeting in your hotel last week.
I am writing this letter to discuss about that the last month conducted meeting at your hotel. I am going to give feedback about the hotel and it's services, available facilities at that time.
I am writing to let you know the feedbacks about our meeting which held in your hotel recently. I should tell you the decoration was perfectly tailored to the aim of our meeting, and also the politeness of your professio
I am writing this letter to thank you for a recently organised all-day meeting of my company in your hotel for successful hosting and also express the concern about the food quality,which we expect will be better in futu
I would like to thank you for your support in hosting our meeting at your hotel last Saturday. Sunshine hotel which located in district 1 was one of the best choice for arranging workshop or meeting with a great service
I am writing this missive in regard to our company members' experience at your hotel for the meeting held last week which outshined in other aspects except for the meals they were served.
I am writing this letter to bring your attention to your hotel I am a senior project manager we held a conference at Holten Hotel last week on Monday.
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