IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I can’t thank you enough for looking after my dog while I was on my business trip to London. When I returned, I was over the moon to see my dear Labrador in good health and full of beans. It means a lot to me, since, you
I hope this letter finds you in a radiant of health and good spirits. I am letter this letter to exhibits my gratitude towards your assistance when I was on my trip to Canada .
I hope you are well. I am writing this letter to thank for your big favour. As you remember I took a trip at that time I heard that you were helping my family. When I first heard that I was very happy in that time. I am
I hope you are doing well and keeping safe. I am writing this letter to express my gratitude towards the extraordinary efforts you put in when I was on a business trip to Japan last week. I really want to thank you for t
I would like to express my thanks for taking care of my dog while I was away for a business trip to Bangalore. It was a sudden team meet organised by the Bangalore team to prepare for a client meet and if you have not be
I hope this letter finds you well and I would like to thank you for taking care of my dog while I was on a business trip in Canada for a month. You know what? it really means a lot that you helped when I was in need. My
I hope this letter finds you well. I just want to tell you that you can't realize how much you helped me with taking care of my pet during my two-weeks vacation.
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