IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am writing this letter to express my displeasure and complaint about my roommate John. Right from his day 1 in the room I am finding it difficult to stay in the room. Moreover, it his irresponsible behaviour which is c
I am writing to express my concerns about my party-boy roommate in our college hostel. I must state that Ali has lots of friends who come to our room each day. As a result of this, I have never slept until midnight, also
Hope you are doing well. Let me introduce my self I am Vijay from Math faculty. I am writing this letter to express my dissatisfaction about my roommate. Currently, I am living with a Jay and he has lots of friends on co
I am writing this letter to complain about my roommate I am Alex I live in room number 456 I am extremely annoyed by the behavior of my roommate which does not allow me to focus on my studies.
Hope this letter finds you well and in good spirits. I am Tahani student of MBA in data analytics at the University of Bedfordshire. I am currently staying in the university 's accommodation on Middleton Road. I moved to
Dear Sir or Madam, I'm renting one of your college hostels and writing to inform you of the problems that I have. I'm living with one roommate, Nanami Sato, and she invites her friends every day. Since there is no lo
I am one of the students living in room no. 617 on a twin-sharing basis at the college hostel. I am writing this letter to inform you that I am very disturbed by the behaviour of my roommate which does not allow me to fo
I am writing this letter to express my dissatisfaction with my roommate, who is making my stay in the hostel miserable. I feel depressed by looking at his behaviour and thus impacting my preparation for semester exams.
My name is Kajol Dave. I am one of the students living in hostel room number 102. I am writing this letter to express my annoyance regarding the irresponsible behavior of my roommate, Kinjal.
I am writing this letter to bring your attention to the problems I am facing in your hostel room. I have been living in room101 on the ground floor. Last month a new student came to share the space with me but he is dist
My name is Abhay, living in the new boys' hostel, room no:148. The purpose of writing this letter is to express sheer annoyance regarding irresponsible behaviour from my roommate, Harshal. For the last 2 months, he is or
My name is Zannatul Firdaus, I am a student and leave in the college hostel. Today, I am writing this letter to inform you, that I am facing a very problem with my studies as my roommate is not cooperative.
I am Abhay, living in the new boys' hostel, room no:148. The purpose of writing this letter is to express sheer annoyance regarding irresponsible behaviour from my roommate, Harshal. For the last 2 months, he is organisi
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