IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There are two diametrically opposite opinions about whether governments should invest their budgets in seeking life in outer space or not, since it might be a waste of money, as there is a great number of problems on ear
The past 50 years have seen a considerable increase in the number of people suffering from stress-related illness. Why is this happening and how to alleviate this problem? In this essay, I intend to explore the sources o
With the availability of internet, people are able to learn more about health science. Consequently, some people may opt for other medicine and treatment rather than going to the doctor like they used to. This short essa
In many countries, the cities are facing many difficulties because numerous individuals prefer moving into the rural areas to living in urban areas. Certainly, there are many reasons why this issues happened and this ess
Recently, more and more people are attempting to take different medicines and treatments rather than asking for advice from doctors whom they are familiar with. The development of this phenomenon may have its pros and co
Nowadays, when our society is in the stage of rapid development, a tendency can be observed to drop in number of people who feel anxiously. It is agreed, that the main reason for this issue is that a bunch of responsibil
Nowadays, many people may find it difficult to maintain a healthy diet in this fast-paced environment. In this essay, I will discuss the reason behind this difficulty and propose several potential methods that could solv
In many societies, the amount of stress experienced by people is increasing, which affects the quality of life that society have. This essay will discuss possible reasons for this matter and introduce measures to fight
Certain individuals are unable to maintain their health properly. There could be multiple reasons for this issue and there are several steps if implemented, can reduce this issue to some extent.
My name is Georgia Henry and I am a resident of Gandhi Colony, the place where the Bell company is providing internet amenities. Today, I am writing to you to express the dissatisfied services we are receiving due to th
While many struggle to maintain a healthy diet, it appears that the factors leading to this situation are very diverse. The reasons behind the difficulty some have to eat well can often be linked to education, behaviors
I am writing to make a complaint about the service of the internet you provide for our neighbourhood. Since last week, we have been facing some issues with the connections and every time that I reset my modem a bad signa
Since ancient times people tried to treat themselves by herbals and another natural products. In these days this type of treatment is named as alternative medicine. Nowadays, more and more people with some diseases decid
From the beginning of human history, there were records showing how humans used herbals and other natural therapies to treat disease and enhance physical fitness. This is called alternative medicine and treatment, and it
There is no doubt that a zoo is not the ideal place for an animal to live in it.In recent years, more and more people have believed that the existence of the zoo is useless, thus it should be shut down. This essay will d
Nowadays, living in a metropolis for many people represents a chance for the opportunities they could get for a better life. Despite this, individuals can find many drawbacks spending their life in downtown. I believe th
Nowadays, many people choose to live in the cities because the several opportunities offered for a better life. Despite this, individuals can find many drawbacks living in a metropolis. I believe that government should f
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