IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Contained in the given bar chart is data pertaining to the figure of functional illiteracy crowd separated into two genders in six different areas around the world in the previous year. The units are in per cent.
The given bar chart illustrates information about the figure of functional illiteracy crowd separated into two genders in six different areas around the world in the previous year. The units are in per cent.
The given bar chart illustrates information about the number of illiteracy people separated into two genders in six different areas around the world in the previous year. The units are in per cent.
A glance at the provided reveals the percentage of adult male smokers among seven countries (namely, Armenia, Egypt, Lebanon, Bangladesh, Cuba, Mexico and Australia) as well as the world average in two time periods.
Presented for consideration is a bar chart detailing figures for the proportion of residents who are unable to write or read, broken down by gender in the previous year. The units are measured on percentage (%).
The 2 bar graphs illustrate proportion of secondary education as well as higher education among people in The Europe, Sub-Saharan Africs( SSA), Latin America, and East Asia.
The pie charts illustrate about percentage of water usage for three different sectors likewise industrial, agricultural and domestic in countries ( including North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Central Asia and
The bar chart illustrates an estimation of illiteracy rates in the world based on region and gender in the year before. The unit measurement is in percentage.
The bar chart illustrates, the percentage of world illiteracy in 6 regions(developed countries -Latin Americans/Caribbean - East Asia/Oceania - Sub-Saharan Africa - Arab States and South Asia), divided by gender( male-fe
The given pie chart depicts the amount of water used in six different areas in the world for three main purposes, namely agriculture, industrial and domestic uses.
The presented chart illustrates an estimation of the percentage of illiteracy among males and females in Latin America, East Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and various developed countries, for the last year.
In 2017 when I got diagnosed with OCD, I felt like I have just got this problem recently, the truth when I looked back at my life carefully, I noticed that I always had this behaviour but it wasn’t disabling back then,
The following bar chart illustrates the rates of the total world population in four different countries in 1950 and 2002 and the expectation for 2050.
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