IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I hope these tips will help you for your college project doing about celebrating New Year in different countries.Both old people and children look forward to the New Year. In light of,New Year is a family holiday.
I'm inviting you to my home for New Year party and i hope you'll come and don't forget to buy a gift for my brother as he was mad at us last year because of you and this letter will help your college project that you are
Hey Sara! It’s been a long time since we saw each other, thus, I am writing this epistle regarding your college project, thus, I would help you and provide some information about how we celebrate the new year in Saudi Ar
Long time no see, how are you? I just got your letter this morning, and your project sounds very interesting. I will share with you about my New Year celebration in Vietnam.
It’s great to hear from you and your project is very interesting. I’d like to tell you about Nav-varsh, which is the hindu new year, celebrated in India.
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing regarding your college project and to give you some information about Brazilians' New Year celebrations.
I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirit.How you and your family have been doing?I have just got your letter and wanted to inform you that I can give you few appropriate information about how New year is ce
The reason why I am addressing you is that I want give you some information about the best holiday, which is celebrated every year. I am really excited to help you with your workload.
I heard from my boss that you are planning to spend New Year in different countries. Why do you want to celebrate the New Year without me? Well, the New Year is very important in our country. Everyone in our country wait
I hope you and your family doing well. Now I am going to write you about how the New Year is important in our country. In our country celebrating New Year is important cause we love to celebrate this holiday Also this sp
I'm writing to you about New Year celebration. New Year is a very important holiday for my country. Because New Year means new life and new plans. I think it's a very international holiday. This holiday in my country cel
I hope you’re well. I thought you might be interested to hear know that give a new college project about celebra>ong New Year in different countries and I congratulate you on this and wish you success. In this leBer I wa
I hope this letter finds you well. I was thrilled to hear about your project exploring New Year celebrations worldwide, and I'm eager to share the essence of New Year's festivities in our country.
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