IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I hope this letter finds you well. I was thrilled to hear about your project exploring New Year celebrations worldwide, and I'm eager to share the essence of New Year's festivities in our country.
I hope that you enjoy studying at Seneca College. I’ve received your email asking for information about the New Year’s celebration tradition, and I am happy to help.
I hope my letter finds you in good health,how are you doing with your study? long time we had caugh-up since my last my birthday.I have recently received your email about your help in celebration New Year in my country
I hope to find you well. I was surprised when I received your email. I will help you to find effective information about our celebrating New Year.
Hi, how are you doing? I hope you are doing well. I received your letter about the college project recently. I am happy to help you research about various New Year traditions in other countries. I really want to announce
Hope this letter finds you well. I have received your request about New Year celebrations in my place. I would emphasise that this holiday is one of the most anticipated as accompanied by 7 days off. Moreover, 31st Dece
I hope you're doing well. I heard about your college project on New Year celebrations in different countries and I'm happy to help. New Year is highly important in my country, representing fresh beginnings and leaving th
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