It is nowadays seen that many students are part-time employed. Discuss advantages and disadvantages

It is often seen in economically frail families, school going kids might need to be employed on a part-time basis while they attend their schools.
trend has got its own benefits
as being independent at an early age, as well as drawbacks
as distraction from
. There are two major benefits of working at a very young age.
, these children become pretty confident and street smart,
become independent early. To be clearer,
youngsters face any hurdles and manage their own problems, needing very little assistance from elders.
, they contribute to their family’s overall income, which helps to improve their well-being.
For instance
, our maid’s school going teenage daughter who works in a nearby restaurant in the evening, shares one-
the expense of their family,
greatly reducing her father’s burden and gave a boost to their socioeconomic status.
, there are two distinct disadvantages. Most importantly,
children are unable to concentrate on their
which lead to increased depression. To elaborate, these youngsters spend a considerable amount of time at their workplace and barely find any time for self-study.
In addition
, these kids fall into a habit of making easy money resulting in
uninhibited distraction.
For example
, another 13 years old boy working in my father’s office, who attends a night school, earns 100 Rupees per day and gets a good remuneration for his daily overtime.
has decreased his inclination towards
as earning quick money has now become a top priority. To conclude, considering the above explanations, it is clear that the poor students who have employed on a part-time basis, have got their own pros
as becoming confident at an early stage of life and cons like unable to devote completely to
which are not negotiable.
Submitted by drninadkotkar on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • tuition fees
  • educational institutions
  • higher education
  • social classes
  • free higher education
  • student loans
  • scholarships
  • funding models
  • financial burden
  • publicly funded
  • privately funded
  • online education
  • MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses)
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  • economy
  • individual livelihood
  • commercializing
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