Discuss the impact of globalization on businesses. give your opinion?

There is growing sentiment today related to
and how it affects people’s life.
To begin
with, we need to understand the meaning of
can be known as the growing interdependence of the world's economies, cultures, and populations. From my perspective, I believe that
brings both challenges and opportunities to business. In
essay, I will discuss it and give clear examples.
To begin
with, the one main challenge that
brings to business is that it highly creates competition in the domestic market in some
. In the modern world today, some developed
as America, Germany, etc have their own modern machines, effective tools, and smart science products that have a strong tendency to enter other markets. That,
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show examples
creates much pressure on local companies.
For example
, in Finland, the appearance of famous technology brands
as Apple or Samsung has created much pressure on the local technology brand, Nokia. It plays a part in the reason why they have faced a business recession.
On the other hand
, some advantages of
are that it creates a cultural diversity working environment. First of all, employees belonging to different
usually have different ways of thinking, solving and handling problems. From that, a matter can be solved in many ways by some different experiences and knowledge bases.
, foreign employees have a more in-depth look at their country’s culture and lifestyle. So, if the company want to expand their market to other
, foreign employees will contribute some right strategies for marketing and operating to suit the most with
For example
, a memorable advertisement from McDonald's in Finland has been considered clever locally, but it was seen as confusing and weird by foreign people. So, it is really important to do much research about the local market and it will be easier to succeed if it includes advice from local people. In conclusion,
opens many opportunities for working and studying for everyone. If we can take advantage of global change, we can do many meaningful activities for ourselves and
for society.
Submitted by khanhlinh151123 on

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