You are an international student in Australia and want to join a volunteering program to teach foreign languages on the weekend. Write a letter to the language school. In the letter explain why you would like to join the program explain what you can do for the program say what schedule you prefer DO NOT write any address.

Dear Sir or Madam, My name is Kulwinder Kaur came to Australia in 2019. I am writing
letter to express my willingness to do volunteer work in your language school. The reason I would like to join
course is because I found myself a suitable candidate as I have been learning the English language since my childhood.
, I am pursuing a master's in English.
, I attended three seminars
year and have a basic knowledge of different concepts. In order to deliver my work I can teach refugees who came to
country and have no basic knowledge of the English language.
, I can knowledge about different things
as how to place an order to get something to eat, So that they will not find difficulty in fulfilling their basic needs.
, I would really appreciate it if you could arrange with evening schedule between 5pm to 8pm as I am fully available at the same time. I want to utilise
time for my volunteer work. Thank you so much for considering my request. Looking forward for a positive response. Yours sincerely Kulwinder Kaur
Submitted by kulwinder250897 on

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