Some university students want to learn about other subjects in addition to their main subjects. Others believe it is more important to give all their time and attention to studying for a qualification. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

' views differ over whether they should learn additional
or fully pay attention to their own qualifications only. In
essay, I will examine both views and explain what I think
need to make responsible decisions. On the one hand, there are some reasons why
should be proactive about additional
during college.
, extra
will expand
' experiences and knowledge.
For instance
, once natural sciences
learn about additional communication science
, they will get many benefits in communication
and enhance their confidence when they have a chance to speak in front of people.
it will sound weird, in my opinion, the following
will be beneficial for them, especially after graduation.
are expected to have time management
as well, having some extra classes will encourage them to be good at time management
On the other hand
, focusing and giving all their time to study the main major is considered a safe zone, especially when it comes to health problems.
with a lot of extra hours on campus usually feel more anxious and exhausted. From
point onwards, it is
considered a good choice for them to take some extra rest.
, focusing only on major
is a good deal for
who want to achieve high scores on their qualifications.
For example
, they will have an extra hour to repeat the materials that were taught in the previous class so that they possible to understand more and succeed on their examinations. In conclusion, the battle between
who aim for extra
and others who want to focus on the main subjects still appears nowadays. In my point of view, both of the situations should be measured with responsible options without neglecting
' health.
Submitted by misstiasclassroom on

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coherence cohesion
Your essay should have a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Ensure each paragraph has a clear central idea and that the paragraphs are logically connected to each other.
coherence cohesion
Use a wider range of linking words and cohesive devices to more effectively connect ideas and paragraphs.
task achievement
Make sure your opinion is clear throughout the essay. It should be stated clearly in the introduction, the body paragraphs should reflect this viewpoint, and the conclusion should restate it.
task achievement
When discussing both sides of the argument, provide an equal amount of development and include relevant examples to support your points.
coherence cohesion
Develop your main points fully. Each paragraph should explore the idea completely with explanations and examples where appropriate.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Broaden
  • Perspectives
  • Specialize
  • Critical thinking
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Career success
  • Interdisciplinary connections
  • Structured path
  • Clear goals
  • Creativity
  • Innovation
  • Academic credibility
  • Recognition
  • Balance
  • Exploring
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