Any country should be able to sell goods to other countries without the restrictions of the government. Do you agree or disagree?

In modern society, transnational trading has become a major topic of concern. It is widely believed that international commerce should be implemented without any governmental restraint. From my personal perspective, I totally disagree with
notion for the following reasons. In the first place, the lack of state control over international distribution can unequivocally exert an adverse influence on local businesses. There has been an increasing number of products that are now imported into a particular nation,
increasing the competitiveness in the domestic market. Since consumers now have a wide range of product and service choices, they may have a preference for foreign-derived products in the belief of better quality.
As a result
, local enterprises are likely to lose a share of their target audience to their foreign counterparts.
, to some extent, will gradually cause them to suffer financially if no feasible plan is made to gain consumers’ trust back,
practice acts as a catalyst for an abundance of illegal actions.
To begin
with, without any restriction from authorities, smuggling is likely to occur. The act of exporting precious products as a way of money laundering and tax evasion will detrimentally influence the economy,
for example
, resulting in the loss of tax revenue.
, counterfeiting
tends to be on the rise.
Due to
the absence of regulations, many unethical companies will mass-produce low-quality imitation goods to cut
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. Selling them may, eventually, endanger consumers and
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public health. A case in point is a recent scandal in which a pharmaceutical company in Vietnam illicitly imported substandard medicines, taking a heavy toll on countless patients. In conclusion, I am convinced that uncontrolled international trade should be taken under state control,
due to
its detrimental impacts,
as increasing illicit trading activities and competitiveness in the local market, If properly supervised,
will definitely make a great contribution to the development of a country.
Submitted by mucungchilacaiten. on

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