The table below shows the results of surveys in 2000, 2005 and 2010 about one university.

The table below shows the results of surveys in 2000, 2005 and 2010 about one university.
The given chart demonstrates how different the percentage of first-year-student assessment is in distinctive aspects of a university from 2000 to 2010.
, the teaching-quality category had the highest data in all the period and the opposite was true in the range of modules offered.
, the majority of categories had a stable tendency except the electronic resources had an increasing trend. Looking at the two first categories, the teaching quality had 65% of students rating good in 2000 before it decreased to 63% in the next five years and increased to 69%
at the end
. In the print resources, the proportion of students giving good ratings was 84% in 2000 and rose to 88% after 10 years. Excepting, the percentage of positive assessment in the buildings remained all the period, about 77%. Looking at the remaining statistics, the data of good ratings for the range of modules offered was 32% in 2000 and
it slightly decreased to 27% in 2010 which was the lowest index in the table.
, the electronic resources had dynamic data, which began at 45% in 2000 and increased to 88% in the next 10 years.
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Introduction: The chart intro is missing.
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