The bar chart shows the percentage of the total world population in 4 countries in 1950 and 2002, and projections for 2050. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

The bar chart shows the percentage of the total world population in 4 countries in 1950 and 2002, and projections for 2050.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
The given chart illustrates the portion of the sum of worldwide residents in 3 different Asian nations
along with
the USA between 1950 and 2002
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and the project for 2050. From an observational perspective, in both 1950 and
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there was an enormous
the least was seen by 2050.
had an exceeding
in 2000,
the tiny ratio of people was in Japan by 2050. With regards to the most
among these countries. Concerning data-related in 1950, 5% to over 25% is occupied for the world
having the most residents within the globe. In terms of the period of 2000, it ranged from under 20% to nearly 25% in India and
, respectively. Meanwhile, it had a similarity to the year 2050 in the USA, which stood at approximately 8%, but Japan was only half of that. As for the timeframe in 2050, a roughly quarter was witnessed by India, followed by the under 20% in comparison to
. Looking at the USA where it comprised 8% which dominated the residents' percentage in Japan at 3%.
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Vocabulary: Replace the words population, china with synonyms.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Bar chart
  • World population
  • Percentage
  • Projection
  • Demographics
  • Trend
  • Significant change
  • Ranking
  • Shifts
  • Decline
  • Growth
  • Comparative
  • Population distribution
  • Notable
  • Increase
  • Decrease
  • Population dynamics
  • Data interpretation
  • Summarize
  • Trends over time
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