Some people believe that professionals, such as doctors and engineers, should be required to work in the country where they did their training. Others believe they should be free to work in another country if they wish. discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

One point of view supports that if
as engineers and doctors have gained knowledge and trained in a particular
, they should stay and
others say that they should not depend on
kind of requirement and should have their own wishes.
essay will argue that
people need to make a contribution to the development of the
after receiving its benefits in training or education, I strongly agree that everyone should have a choice,
Change preposition
of where
show examples
they want to
in spite of the location of training. On the one hand, doctors and engineers should aspire to improve the healthcare and engineering industry of the
, from where they
Wrong verb form
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knowledge and experience. There might be some cases
Remove the comma
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have a scholarship from the government for training or education. The main goal of these scholarships is to raise highly qualified professionals, who are high-demanded in the
, they have to
there after finishing the training.
For example
, in Kazakhstan, there is a “Bolashak” government scholarship, which helps students to pay for all their spending for their education.
That is
to say, it pays future professionals’ tuition fees,
Correct word choice
and flight
show examples
and accommodation expenses.
On the other hand
' workplaces should not depend on the location of their training
In other words
, every doctor or engineer should have the right to choose where they want to
by criteria of safety, enough salary, corporate culture and the development of the
For instance
, in Kazakhstan, it can be noticed that healthcare workers have a low salary of 700 dollars.
In contrast
, these
in Germany get a salary of more than 3000 dollars. In conclusion, it is argued that engineers and doctors should
in the
, where they have trained,
others feel that it should not depend on the choice of training place. I absolutely agree with that statement and think that everyone has to choose their workplace and
Submitted by kalelkkhana on

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task response
Your essay effectively discusses both views and provides a clear opinion, which is essential for a complete response. However, the introduction could benefit from a more engaging hook, and the essays would be strengthened with more specific details and examples.
coherence and cohesion
A better variety of cohesive devices will further improve the flow and connection between ideas. Consider using transitional phrases like 'Moreover,' 'Furthermore,' and 'In addition'.
task response
In the third paragraph, when discussing the importance of choice and safety, elaborating on the impact of these criteria on the professionals' personal and professional lives would add depth to your argument.
coherence and cohesion
Your essay has a clear and logical structure with a strong introduction and conclusion, making it easy to follow your argument.
task response
You have provided relevant examples, such as the 'Bolashak' scholarship in Kazakhstan, to support your points, which helps to make your argument convincing.
task response
The essay clearly addresses both views and your opinion is well-articulated, showing a comprehensive understanding of the topic.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • professionals
  • doctors
  • engineers
  • required
  • training
  • home country
  • cultural
  • linguistic
  • advantages
  • economic impact
  • free
  • another country
  • globalization
  • international collaboration
  • improving
  • skills
  • knowledge
  • experience
  • opinion
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