IELTS Writing Samples Band 1

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there has been a growing inclination that IELTS students who want to high score don't complete instructor's assignment . This situation should be addressed by some defined measures
Young community are often influenced in their behaviours and situations by others of the same age. This is called “peer pressure”. Do the disadvantages outweigh the advantages?
While a faction of people hold the notion that senior management should take business decisions is the ideal practice, others argue that all level of employees should consulted and involved for the decision making process. I completely agree with the latter view as ample of reasons are present to substantiate it. This essay would delve into my viewpoints with relevant illustrations.
The diagram gives detailed information about how the process by which paper is manufactured from used paper.
In today's fast-changing world, many issues spark strong debates and different opinions among experts and the general public. One such topic divides people, with some supporting its benefits and others pointing out its downsides. This essay will look at both sides of the argument and argue that, despite some concerns, the benefits greatly outweigh the drawbacks, providing significant advantages to society.
Many people argue that individuals utilize online reading resources for children to get a knowledge and other community prefer the soft copy material for learning. I agree with a toched materials are used in various aspect of life . And facts related to my view will be discussed.
The given information about Pie chart which represent the result of a survey of children's activities between both gender about their cultural and leisure interest which is different percentage .
Half the people consider that children should know how to be a good member of society from their parents when others think it is the school's job. In my opinion both of them necessary for children's future.
Hardwork could be the biggest factor that make a person can achieve success. It is hard to know what exactly the reason behind someone success. In my opinion it's not only mere hardwork. To illustrate, let's say there are thousand peoples who want to reach a successful state in life and yet, each one of them have the same morals, attitude and discipline. Maybe only one percent of them that able to make it, it is not a statistical fact, but in reality i think the number is not that significantly different from what i have illustrated. While everyone have the same urge and motivation of wanting a success in life, why only small group of people can truly achieve it. So, respectfully, without discrediting a successful person, Luck indeed plays an important role behind someone success.
There are many factor cause to stressful nowday with the develop of technology and lifestyle that change people mind in to a different way.
Some people belive that goverenmints should spend more cash in scince lictures instead of other materials, And I strongly agree for certain reasons.
Throughout the history, raising children has been one of the most paramount challenges of a human's life. In many underdeveloped countries the tradition of physically punishing a child for a mistake is still famous whereas for developed countries the ratio of physically abusing children is less, though still practiced.
As a result of increasing road accidents, along with considerable raising in death levels around the world. Consequently, the regulations should be tough to punish the impetuous drivers .
In the contemporary era , education plays an crucial role in each and every students life . Some people think that pupils should pay more attention on all curriculam subjects however others believe that children should spend more time on a specific subject in which they are interested .In this essay i will discuss the both views in the following paragraphes and i will also provide my point of view regarding this arguement.
Every human kind that is sitting on the Internet and searching for the information throughout worldwide web does know its crucial impact. We can not imagine our society without new technologies and all the necessary tools that it provides us every second. Looking through to the importance of the web and giving relevant examples that is what this essay will look for.
nowdayes, smart machines suchas robotare applied to take aplace of humanand I will discuss the benefits and drowbacks. the advantage of usingtechnalogoy machines for the facility owner is there is no need to pay every monthsand it is easier to deal with them moreoverthey will be an increase in production,a robot can work all day whilea human can not .
These days many students in different major absolutely like to learn English
Firstly, artificial intelligence aids in tackling a complicated illness by supporting advanced technology. For instance, cancer detection tools in which AI is relied on to detect the possibility of a growth threat cancer proliferation in human body. Furthermore, the existence of AI minimizes the failure in medicating patients due to limitation of human ability. Thus, implementing high technology to ease doctors or health workers requires endorsement from the government to equip the lack of facilitate in the hospital.
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