IELTS Writing Samples Band 4

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Nowedays there are many parents who like care for the youth people in the city, while another of them do not believe in this way,However I will discuss both said given my opinion
Students ought to cover the entire expense of their education since university environment benefits persons rather than society. This is obvious that every student need to relize the importance of university education and pay a fee for it. This writer agree with the previously mentioned statement to some extent, which will be discuss in this essay.
Across the globe, many nations focus on making money as their priority compares to solving other concerning issues. This clearly has the benefits of increasing the employment opportunities and improvement in infrastructures, but have the drawbacks of environmental degradation and social inequality.
Pupils are suggested to afford all the costs of their own studies because college lessons bring more benefits to each individual than society at all.This writer disagrees with this statement and will explain why.
These days traffic delays and long time commute is major drawbacks in many urbans. This essay will discuss the main causes of this problem and suggest potential solutions to alleviate the situation.
The bar chart depicts variation in peoples’ attendance in the cinema, in three periods, from 2003 to 2007, with intervals of two years in one European country. As reflected by the y-axis the population is measured from zero to 50 percent of the population with intervals of five.
Some people think that high wage is an essential than job satisfaction for every employees, while others argue that person cannot work in profession which do not want this job. This essay will be discussed in both point of view.
Besides past years which technical studies were a step ahead, nowadays, in the modern worlds, emphasis on acquisition of practical skills rather than knowledge from textbooks or other sources are increasing. Both view of these ideas will be debate in this assay.
Some people think international communities should act quickly to moderate of consumption of fossil fuels,such as oil and gas.But it is uncomfortable for people.
Number of people who owned car has went up in the last thirty years. I my opinion, this situation has potantial to cause big traffic jam in the world. In this essay, it will be discussed why I support this statement and how should governments encourage people to decrease using cars.
In many educational systems, there is a debate over whether students should have the freedom to choose their subjects or if they should follow a fixed curriculum. However, while both perspectives have their merits, I support a balanced approach that incorporates elements of both views.
The line graph gives information about the percentage of some crime arrests for persons under 18 by locality between 1995 and 1998.
In recently years, a lot of violent crimes are committed by adults as well as under- 18 teenagers. Some people believe that teenagers who doer serious crimes should punish like adults. Others think argue that they should be rehabilitated, which will be discussed in this essay.
In the developed world, there is an upsurge of the production in the consumption goods, as a result this engender damage to the environment. In this following essay I will provide why this is happening based on my point of view as well as what should be done to solve this problem and make the better environment.
In today's contemporary era, the fee of kid's education is too high. In many countries, the states have responsibility to pay all or a big part of the fee. This action might have both advantages and disadvantages that in continue, this essay will express some of them.
It is true that student's dependence on applied science seems to be getting widely distributed. There are several reasons for this, and both schools and parents should work together to enhance the situation.
in this period of globalization many people are lucky or forced to live in other country and face serious social and practical problems because of the foreign language, some of the problems are socializing with others or simply taking a trip in a taxi or asking for directions , in my opinion i strongly agree with this notion and my opinion will be discussed in further paragraphs with a suitable conclusion.
Young people spend most of their lifes in school or studying. Therefore, when they have free time, they can either do activities with their families or go out an enjoy outside entretainment. My personal opinion is that there should be time to enjoy both options.
Certainly, updating the school curriculum to better prepare children for adult life is a crucial step in ensuring they have the skills and knowledge necessary for success in the modern world. In this essay I will highlight some subjects that could be introduced or emphasized in the study plans.
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