IELTS Writing Samples Band 5.5

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An argument appeared among people that phones are not allowed to be used by children during the school day but others believe the opposite. Gadgets during the school day can distract children from studying, but on the other hand, phones can be helpful for them to study with many advanced features. I believe the use of gadgets by children during school day should be benefited as long as parental control exists.
In modern life, general life skills such as painting and drawing are very important for student study in high school so they should be compulsory in this school. This writer disagrees with this statement because of learning too much knowledge at school, they can practise them at home in order to focus on some science subjects as well as academic subjects to acquire better job prospects.
Nowadays, Violence when still children is increasing, therefore, parents should be very careful to teach their offspring not to hit back at bullies. I will provide a clear example from my knowledge or experience about this topic.
The influences of video games on the youth is one of the most debated topic this century. Some people believe that computer games have potential to help youngsters to improve, while, others acclaim that it only possesses adverse consequences on the children's developmental stage. This essay will consider about each aspect and mention my own point.
Some people argue that legalizing the death penalty for hazardous criminals is immoral in modern society. This essay will discuss the topic and debate why having an assurance that crimes will not be repeated in the future is the primary advantage and why having the authority over someone's life's destiny is the biggest disadvantage, and my own opinion will be provided at the end.
The graph provides information about the most popular fuel types in the UK between 1981 and 2000 where 1 energy unit prescribes 1 million tonnes of oil.
It is believed that the reason why art-related subjects should be added into the school curriculum is because they give students more benefits. This writer agrees with this statement as these subjects enhance creative thinking and relieve stress although others hold the opposite view because they do not support academic learning.
According to the picture, it can be revealed that there are twelve stages overall in coffee production. The main feature of the caffeine industry through the provided data is that it incorporates two types of coffee, roasted and non-roasted.
It is suggested by some that inventing a new language for the sake of global communication is essential. However, my gut feeling is that there is no need in doing this.
There is a penalty for every outlaw activity. The matter is that crime commitment may happen more by first-time culprits after their punishments. The cause of this appears to be focused on two areas, and a number of solutions also appear to be possible.
Scientific websites and online courses are expanding making learning easier and available for everyone. You can find whatever you look for on the internet. Some people already started a career by reading the basics of their major in their free time anywhere on their laptop. However, self-learning will never be enough in other fields. it has disagreed it will completely replace books.
One of the most debatable topics of this century is whether educating kids at home is beneficial over sending them to early childhood educational institutions. Many arguments have been made for and against each of these issues. In this essay, I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both methods and will state my position.
Shopping become one of the favorite activities for the new generation nowadays. Society will face the advantages and disadvantages of this new entertainment habit in the future. in this essay, I want to discuss the reasons and consequences of it.
These days, many schools have problems with poor student behaviour. However, not many schools are facing with the problem of bad behaviour. This essay will look at the core reasons for this and propose some solid solutions.
In some countries, the number of individuals who are curious to know about the historical background of their living place is rising. There are two main reasons for this trend and two approaches to help people in this way which I will consider now.
Whether extracurricular works play an integral part in students' life is a worthy concern in this 4.0 era. I completely agree with the prejudice above. The reasons along with examples will be illustrated in the upcoming essay.
With an ever-increasing concern about how to handle the boundaries between free will and guidance on children, some individuals have opined that free-time activities for children should be guided by parents. The rest of the population, however, argues that children should do what they want in their free time. This essay will, therefore, evaluate both arguments and present a concluding viewpoint.
International news should be taught in schools as a subject of curriculum for high school students; meanwhile, others think that it is just spending their time inefficiently. In my opinion, both thoughts are true, because being aware of international news might be helpful in their majors. Also, if it distracts from the main education, pupils need to reduce their time spent on it.
It is argued that protection from disease is more benefical to the society than treatment of sickness. I totally agree with this statement as the expenses for medical intervention is a burden on the economy, and healthy residence will be more productive with ideal health situtions.
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