IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6

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People have argued about the plan of building a factory near the residential area. Some people think that it will bring many benefits for the local society, while others believe that it will have a negative effect on the environment. The following essay will discuss in details about the advantages and disadvantages of it.
Now a day’s it’s becoming normal in western society to have no children, despite from western country, even though many couples even in Asian countries start planning to not have children’s. Well’ it all depends on the circumstances and their future planning’s in their life. They might consider spending their precious period of time with each other’s at the start.
Online shopping is a popular choice among the increasing number of people. Purchasing items online has certain benefits and drawbacks on individuals and companies.
Nowadays, it is quite common to see many students engaged in part time jobs. A number of learners work after school or college hours in order to meet their expenses. This essay will delve into pros and cons of part time jobs done by the young students.
Nowadays, dress-code is consider a critical aspect in schools. While there are institutes which have adopted a tough uniform policy, others have loose policy about it. This essay will discuss both the benefits and drawback of attire at schools.
Over the last century, due to the rapid development in the modern transportation, many adventure seekers and tourists started travelling to remote corners of the planet where the environment is hostile and tough. People visiting such places have to experience both pros and cons.
Some nation's of the world regard as illegal the rejection of aspiring applicants based on age limit, and some people believe this development has some benefits, while others, however, think there are drawbacks. In my opinion, this method holds some merits, as it helps to avoid discrimination amongst aspiring applicants, although there are some demerits to be taken into consideration.
In this era of technological development, people opt for electronic books rather than traditional books. Some individuals take this as a positive change due to their availability and easier scanning capabilities; however, other believes that this trend has detrimental effects.
Nowadays, taking a year out to live or study abroad is becoming increasingly popular. For many people, especially young adults, the chance to spend an extended period of time overseas is an attractive one. However, there are both pros and cons to deciding to do this. In this essay, I will discuss some of the reasons why moving abroad is so popular and some of the challenges to be overcome.
Tourism industry has recently observed a boom. Owing to this, English has become highly popular around the world and according to one school of thoughts, it will become the sole language to be spoken worldwide. Although a single global language will facilitate communication and knowledge sharing, it will be catastrophic for small languages.
A large section of the society thinks that it is more effective if all criminal punishments are fixed. This essay will first suggest that timesaving and quick justice is a primary benefit for the public, while unfair evaluation of criminals is the main drawback.
Indeed young ones get easily affected by behavioural traits. It is seen that peer groups put a tremendous impact on behaviour.
Due to the change in the lifestyle, people are evolving themselves from two wheelers to the automobiles. Some are of the opinion that it has more benefits and is making their life convenient. I partially accord with this notion.
Educational institutions have increasingly made electronic gadgets available to their students for learning hence, outdating books and printed materials. While this trend promotes better learning outcomes by increased availability of a wide range of information, it could be a source of distraction to the students.
The world has become a global village. Unlike earlier, many people are seen travelling to different places. The advantages of travelling along with the reasons are discussed in the forthcoming paragraphs.
Students who prefer to study overseas is on the rise. While there are several advantages to studying in foreign universities including learning new cultures and receiving a good quality of education, there are disadvantages too which includes adjusting to weather conditions and social and linguistic differences. In my opinion, irrespective of having initial struggles, It is always advantageous to study in foreign counties, which can help students to broaden their horizons.
More and more transnational corporations are setting up branches and factories in less developed nations. This essay will first suggest that reduced labour costs is the primary benefit for these companies, while bad publicity because of Human Rights abuses is the main drawback.
These days, children prefer long vacations as compared to short vacations. While some people contend that school children need numerous short vacations, others deem that they prefer long vacation. I agree with the latter argument, and in this essay, I will discuss both advantages with my view.
As the number of University students who go overseas to study is increasing, people are debating about the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? This essay shows that although pursuing education in another country is costly and often distracting to students, it is far more beneficial to them due to the new learning and personality development opportunities offered by overseas study.
In today's globalized world, a lot of entertainment are located on portable devices at persons fingertips. Some claim that this phenomenon has positive aspects. The aim of this essay is justify that such benefits outweigh drawbacks.
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