IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 8.5

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Nowadays, the number of individuals choosing to travel to unusual places is on a rise. Tourists visiting these areas can benefit the economy of a country and satisfy the traveller expectations, however, there will be some drawbacks.
Many parents inspire their children to work during their leisure time. Although an after-school job seems like an excellent approach to use free time, this trend bears some negative impacts. This essay will discuss both merits and demerits of getting a part-time job after school hours.
In this contemporary world, tertiary education has become immensely popular. To pursue higher studies, several students start living in a new city, whereas some students still stay with their families. Both options of living have some benefits and shortcomings, which will be discussed in this essay.
Advancements in digital technology have changed the nature of shopping. A growing number of people prefer to buy the products which they need. While online shopping is both time-saving and cost-effective, it has some disadvantages, including information theft as well as a virtual practice.
Students in certain countries are suggested to take a year off after completing high school to work, travel and, more importantly, to gain practical experience before kicking off being a freshman at university. This trend comprises of both positive and negative aspects. This essay will discuss the merits and demerits for the young people who decide on it.
Consumer goods have become the mainstay of people’s living.  This essay is an attempt to study the merits and demerits and provide a conclusion.
In recent times, observing a gap year between high school and going to the university is becoming a common trend. Nowadays, many young high school leavers prefer to work for a year before proceeding to the University. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this.
Studying abroad as an undergraduate or postgraduate has become very famous in today's world which, can be as a result of different factors. Studying abroad as its ups and downs just like anything in life and due to this, there is a constant question; "are the demerits more than the merits when an individual decides to study abroad?" This usually rings in every prospective student's mind. Thus, the essay will examine whether the disadvantages overrides the advantages.
Most contemporary economics allow such a model of employment as being self- employed instead of devoting to a firm or corporation. This circumstance based on some reasons and it can amplify drawbacks too. Anyway, this essay will attempt to look into these two factors.
Electronic transactions are gradually replacing the traditional banking system and bank currency is being supplanted by credit and debit cards. The transformation is taking place slowly but steadily and widespread. The paradigm shift has both the negative and positive consequences which will be discussed in this essay.
With the advancement of technology, the gadgets and instruments have taken over most of the field jobs. Although this revolution has various drawbacks like unemployment and effects on health due to lesser activities, yet it has many benefits which outweigh them.
Currently, the overall proportion of people in the adolescent age group is significantly greater than the figure for those older, in several nations. More people in the productive years of their lives, is certainly advantageous to the economy, because of their increased competencies to contribute to the development of a country, though there are a few disadvantages. In this essay, we will discuss how this situation is beneficial.
Science has improved many aspects of our lives and may create opportunity for people to live to advanced age in the future. Although this might be beneficial to individuals, but may have negative impacts on the society. This essay will outline the advantages and risks of living up to 150 years.
Working in the 21st century is immensely facilitated by the emergence of the World Wide Web. This has made work from the comfort of one’s living space a possibility. I believe the pro's outweigh the con's. This essay will discuss the many benefits of working from your own house. In addition to this, touch on the easily manageable drawbacks.
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