IELTS Discussion Writing Samples Band 7

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Over the last few decades, the world has seen tremendous urbanisation to support its rising population. However, this growth has been tainted by a gradual reduction in quality of life due to significant pollution and overcrowding. In this essay, I will highlight the reasons for the uncontrolled expansion of cities and some viable solutions to this predicament
The history of architectural construction has always held a fascination for many people. Nowadays, in some parts of the world, an increasing number of people are captivated by gaining knowledge about the historical background of their homes. This essay aims to delve into the reasons behind this growing eagerness and explore the ways in which individuals can access information pertaining to the history of their houses.
The rapid development of technology has brought us many benefits in several aspects. Especially the health system. More and more people are living longer than before due to many medicines and many pieces of equipment for curing patients. Some communities believe it can bring innumerable merits to society. On the other side, other individuals state it can bring a lot of negative impacts for every nation such as overpopulation. In my opinion, the drawbacks of ageing completely outweigh the merits.
Individuals in some countries, every day, are becoming more curious about the history of the place they live in. This phenomenon is due to some factors, and gaining information about it is possible in some ways which I will mention in the following.
In recent years, the problem of recruiting employees who work independently or in a teamwork environment has gained enormous popularity among people. While some believe that business industries should hire individual workers, others consider that a collaborative atmosphere is more effective for success. This essay explores both views and gives appropriate reasons.
In this era, the number of people who write texts by hand with a pen or pencil has experienced a gradual decline day by day because of improving technology which makes tasks easier, and also trees are supported from deforestation. Also, it has a positive development in organization articles and saving money and time.
People are much more comfortable in their hometowns. Residing in hometowns provides the benefit of recognition in society, Nevertheless there are fewer career opportunities for one to take into consideration.
The debate surrounding public health responsibility pits two important perspectives against each other. In my opinion, I agree that governments play a more crucial role compared with individuals in this area.
An increasing number of people in certain countries are curious about the history of the home or construction they reside in. It appears due to their curiosity and a sense of connection and belonging between the building and the residents. To get familiar with the background of their accommodation, people can find relevant information by searching online, visiting historical local museums, or even asking former residents there.
In modern society, the concept of providing free healthcare to all citizens has sparked a heated debate, with proponents and opponents presenting compelling arguments on both sides. This essay will delve into the contrasting perspectives surrounding this contentious issue.
These days many people, who have to work in different types of facilities and organizations tend to work strictly than beforehand. This is being caused by a potential lack of season and vacant performance placements have been reducing virtually in all countries for several decades. However, employers should mitigate their task time and enhance base salary to resolve the problems associated with them.
Nowadays, technology is integrated into every aspect of our lives. So, it seems hard if we try to stay away from it. Furthermore, this tech-based lifestyle can make us more intelligent, while in contrast, if we do not use it carefully we will suffer from some mental health problems.
Some kinds of creatures have totally disappeared from the planet Earth, and there will be more species faced with the same fate in the future. In this essay, I will look at the reasons before turning to probable remedies.
Old age is the last stage of life-cycle. In this phase, they face many struggles and challenges. In this modern world, concern to the advanced age people become decreasing. It brings some negative impact to the society.
In recent years, the immense popularity of celebrities has not only eclipsed the reputation of senior politicians but also translated into significantly higher salaries. While this development has its merits, it is accompanied by notable drawbacks that warrant a balanced examination.
In this contemporary epoch, Numerous individuals strive to imitate prominent characters by constantly watching them on social networking sites or reading about them in magazines. The prime factor behind this is to gain enormous fame, and success through social media and materialistic things in the time ahead. I will explicitly explain whether it is a good or bad idea in the subsequent paragraphs.
Recently, numerous people suffer from stress than in the past because those are required to work for a long pace of time. I believe that, there are several reasons why this is commonly happen in the society. There are possible solutions, however, that can be done to make the employees enjoy their time.
There are individuals who hold the view that publishing details of individuals' lifestyles and personal activities is one of the rights of media. However, others assert that we should restrict these publications.
In this contemporary epoch, Numerous individuals strive to imitate prominent characters by constantly watching them on social networking sites or reading about them in magazines. The prime factor behind this is to gain a profound amount of fame, and success via social media and materialistic things in the time ahead. I will explicitly explain whether it is a good or bad thing in the subsequent paragraphs.
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