IELTS Opinion Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Nowadays, due to improvements in science, people have higher expectations from their governments. One of these expectations is the search for life on other planets. However, some people believe that this is just a waste of public money and there are multiple problems that we should focus on, instead of this. In this essay, I will discuss both sides and will draw my personal conclusion.
Nature versus nurture has been a huge debate topic among psychologists for decades, it concluded that our psyche is a mix of both, which ultimately brought another question to light: what aspect of our environment has the broader impact, our primary caregivers, or the environment we get exposed to?. In this essay, I will present the two aspects, and follow them with my personal point of view.
World organizations are giving aid to underdeveloped countries. Citizens worldwide have various thoughts about this. One think that giving help is an absolute must whereas others think it is necessary to have practical help and advice. I believe that financial help brings more benefits than other types of help.
Physical education (PE) in schools is a topic of significant debate. Some advocate for making PE compulsory, believing it to be essential for the general well-being of schoolchildren. Others argue that mandatory physical education would have minimal impact on overall health and that alternative measures are more effective. This essay will discuss both perspectives before presenting my own opinion.
It is a known fact that you are what you consume, and there is no doubt that our brains are influenced by what we see on TV and video games. But the question is: to what extent? the argument that violence depicted in drama has a damaging effect on society is a bit of exaggeration. In this essay, I will present a balanced view on this matter, and explain my personal take afterwards.
Urban areas must be visualized to attract locals and tourists worldwide. This statement is interesting and I fully agree with that. Attractive design will not only improve the popularity but also improve the tourism sector which both benefit the local economy.
It is often said that social media has had a detrimental effect on society. Personally, I would say that I completely disagree with the previous statement and I will elaborate more in the next paragraphs.
It is thought by some people that subjects that are considered not important to children should be cut out from their curriculum and schools need to teach only subjects that will benefit their future careers. From my point of view, I slightly disagree with this aspect and reasons will be outlined in the following paragraphs before reaching my conclusion.
In recent years, people’s diet preferences have shown significant divergence. With the rise in awareness of vegetarianism, some proponents contend that eating no meat or fish can bring positive advantages to one's health and the whole world. From my perspective, I agree with this viewpoint.
There is a debate that by giving students homework teachers take away the extra time they could have spent on outside activities, therefore it should be eliminated. This essay disagrees with this statement because it is an effective way for students to fully understand the material and it teaches them to be more responsible.
In recent years, individuals have switched from cars to bicycles in some metropolitan areas, while in other ones, bicycles have been the better option. The writer argues that people show more interest in bicycles due to the positive effect on health conditions and environmental conservation, although many believe that cars bring more benefits because of the ability to travel for long distances.
Nowadays, the question of whether students should learn academic subjects, such as chemistry, physics and history or practical subjects, such as motor mechanics and cooking has sparked a degree of controversy among people. Although studying academic subjects is not without advantages, vocational disciplines will be far more considered.
In this day and age, many individuals argue that schools have the pivotal aim of becoming acceptable employees and residents in lieu of their individual benefits. The author of this essay totally agrees with this statement in the way that schools formed comprehensiveness of their humanity and personality.
These days, there is a trend where some people complain that protecting wild creatures and birds wastes resources and is overly emphasized. I strongly agree with this argument because there are many more problems for humanity rather than conserving them, although biodiversity has attracted the government's attention
Opinions differ over whether the products should be made cheap or durable, considering the commercial value of the products. Although high-quality manufacturers can enhance the value of the brand, I suggest that economic items are more crucial than long-lasting ones for some reasons.
Nowadays, it is apparent that science is well embedded into agriculture, with the objective of providing high benefits for humans. This essay completely agrees with that statement. I believe the integration of scientific research and farming offers more food options and also cultivates a healing influence for individuals.
Some individuals believe that in the modern days social media, mass culture and friends are the key factors that impact a child's evolvement. While, the others believe that family has a considerable role in children's growth because the family can breed their children according to their culture and traditions, in my opinion, the first idea has more significant effects than families because young generation would sooner get in touch with social media and their friends than family.
In the modern days, whether success depends on effort or the power of wealth and appearance is a controversial discussion point. This essay firmly believes that it is beneficial for a human to become successful based on their determination and the wide range of experience, despite those who think that money and beauty turn into the priority to achieve success.
It is thought by some people that when children misbehave, their parents should punish them instead of doing something else. From my point of view, I slightly disagree with this matter and the reasons will be outlined before reaching my conclusion.
Day by day, we witness how diverse the opinions revolving around one statement could be. One good example for this is that many reckon accepting undesirable circumstances is a better choice, while some believe striving is a brilliant move. This essay will talk over on both sides and elaborate reasons for why I consent to the second view.
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