IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays every person needs clean products for consumers in the modern world and it is an important thing for life. In a society where consumer goods are cheaper to buy will be an increase in consumers in the future. I s
Consumer items are affordable these days for people to buy, and in my opinion, the positives of goods being less expensive are more than its negatives, and I will explain the reasons for this in my essay.
Evidence suggests that buying products is a growing trend and is a undeniable part of everyone in their daily life. Although there are a number of benefits involved in this approach, the drawbacks are by no means negligi
In this time and age consumer goods have gained a lot importance with this import and export businesses have flourished a lot. In my point of view, in this modern world these goods hold an important value in people's liv
Today many people in some countries are facilitated to consume cheap goods by the government. This trend has both advantages and disadvantages. In this essay, both sides will be explored before evaluating whether the ben
Nowadays, many people choose do not spend money in expensive consumer goods in their societies live. I belive that there are more benifits than backdraws of this topic, there is my opinion below.
It is a common belief that the most significant aspect of people’s lives is their consumer goods. In this essay, I will both discuss the merit and demerits of this phenomenon and try to explore why people rely on these i
In this contemporary era, it is quite common that the value of consumer goods has lowered. In my opinion, i tend to believe that it provides both advantages and disadvantages. However there are fewer benefits than adva
As the higher standard of living increases, the number of goods suppliers has become larger to appropriate human needs. Consequently, the cost of goods has been decreased to afford the vast number of things. From several
With the advancement and development, many countries prefer to provide multiple financial benefits to its citizen. They strive to keep the pricing of various products within easy reach of the whole population and take se
It is said that these days most individuals like residing in an environment where consumed goods are not expensive. Although there are some negative effects it does not outweigh the benefits.
These days, the majority of the masses stay in communities, where the prices of the products are comparatively low. This essay intends to shed light on both pros and cons of it and I believe it holds much more benefits
It is true some individuals in the present era live in societies where consumer goods are available in less than amount. This essay will discuss both sides of the paragraph.
In recent times, a lot of people are residing in places where consumer products are not expensive. Although, the quality of these items may be reduced because of low prices, almost everyone will be able to afford all th
Today's era is significantly advanced than that of the past and availability of cheap consumer products attracts people to buy things more frequently than ever before. Even though the living standard of people has improv
It is often thought that these days a lot of humankind prefers to live in communities, particularly when the prices of consumer goods are less expensive. This essay will discuss this opinion, and I believe that the pros
Opinions are divided on whether it is more beneficial or detrimental when many contemporary societies are witnessing the growing affordability of consumer items. This essay will contend that the immediate benefits of thi
Opinions are divided on whether it is more beneficial or detrimental when consumer goods are economical to purchase in the society people live in nowadays. This essay will think that the positive effects could be oversha
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