IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, vehicles are the most widely spread method of transportation globally. although owning a car might seem convenient for many, however, the downsides of too many cars on the street are greater than the benefits.
The first car touched United Kingdom's roads in 1888 and by passing more than one century the number of vehicles significantly increased to over 29 million. Some substitution forms of cars should be use either government
In recent times, there has been an increasing number of people driving a car on roads and this figure has drastically grown compared to 1888, when the first car was introduced. Under the circumstances, there has been con
A massive surge of private vehicles in our modern society stems from necessity. Since urban sprawl is becoming more rampant, people need a reliable transportation solution. Consequently, private vehicles are considered t
The first automobile appeared on British roads in 1888, and since then, the number of vehicles has increased dramatically. By the year 2000, there may be as many as 29 million cars on British roads, causing various prob
Day by day the amount of car users increasing. In 1888, first car introduced to the British market then it steadily continue its increase. When we look at the 2000s there are nearly 29 million vehicles on British roads.
Transportation, in particular cars are of a great use to society and have proved to be beneficial since they were created. There are many alternative methods of mobility that can also be explored and the government shoul
It has been two centuries since the first time a car was introduced in 1888. In comparison, in nearly 2000, the number of vehicles was almost 29 million. However, there are a lot of debates about whether the government
British roads, which saw their first car in 1888, now have 29 million vehicles on them. Lately, the introduction of international laws to control car ownership and in favour of alternative means of transportation have
Of the most convenient ways of transportation around the world is by car. Some people think that other means of transportation should be encouraged and there should be an international law to limit car ownership and use.
The very first car appeared on British roads on 1888. However, when it comes to year 2000 that number skyrocketed to 29 millions. I strongly believe that other modes of transport should introduce and improve to society
On the British road, the first car was seen in the year 1888. Then, the car numbers increased year after year till 2000, it reached 29 million vehicles. Some people and I think that other ways for transportation should
Since the first car appeared on the road, the number of vehicles boost considerably all around the globe. I believe that the trend of restricting private vehicle use and encouraging alternative transportation is a positi
In 1888, the first vehicle was driven on British streets. In 2000, there were about 29 million automobile in those roads. In order to control the usage and property of this means of transport, some people claim that alte
In today's rapidly evolving world, the ever-increasing number of vehicles on our roads warrants our attention. In just over a hundred years, from 1888 to 2000, the number of vehicles on British roads swelled to an astoun
As the effect of industrialization, global developments in many sectors are increasing such as the car industry. Data has shown that number of cars on British roads in 2000 is calculated nearly 29 million which first app
Transportation is one of the most important and required things in life. Before the year 1888 there were no cars available within the British streets, however, once the first car appeared, the production started increasi
The rise of the automotive industry over the past two centuries has revolutionized transportation, making it easier and more efficient for people to move around the world. However, with more than 29 million street legal
The immense growth in car ownership can be noticeably seen. Some are of the opinion that populations should opt for other means of transportation to commute; in addition, strict regulations are deemed to be applied to ma
Over two decades, the number of private transportation on British roads rapidly increased to 29 million cars in the year 2000. This situation needs to be taken care of by the government to prevent any problems that can b
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