The map below show a beachfront area in Australia in 1950 and today.

The map below show a beachfront area in Australia in 1950 and today.
Contained in the two maps is information pertaining to changes which happened in an Australian coastal location between 1950 and the present day. Generally speaking, it can be recognized that the area has seen a significant improvement in tourist facilities.
, the majority of public amenities remained untouched. Being with the northern-west half of the beach, as far as the playground was concerned. It has been demolished and replaced with a car park. With respect to the car park in the north, the dining tables and pavilion persisted unchanged adjacent next to it. Turning to the eastern part of the zone where the road has been extended to the lighthouse with a surf club have been built behind it. Moving onto the southwest where the 25 metres has been relocated and expanded near the beach to a 50 metres pool. Regarding the pool in the west, they have constructed a new restaurant and a surf club in the vicinity of the pool.
Submitted by Ai đổi xuống gặp tôi viết bản tường trình on

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Basic structure: Change the third paragraph.
Vocabulary: Use several vocabularies to present the data in the third paragraph.
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