IELTS Writing Samples Band 3.5

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In the era of globalisation and modern technology, in some people’s opinion zoos should be closed down because of its cruelty. However, other individuals believe that zoos can be used forin wild animal protection. This essay will discuss both these points of view and argue in favour of the latter.
A lot of museums receive costs from people for visiting, however, some of them don`t do this. In my opinion, all of them should be on the same level for some reasons which, I will mention in this essay.
In today's world, news companies spend most of their funds covering global news on the other hand local news is not receiving less funds. However, domestic news is more important to citizen's lives and should receive more money. I do agree with the given statement and would like to deliberate on the reasons below.
Nowadays,a lot of students are inclined to study abroad. As they feel the education abroad is more job oriented. I wouldlike to discuss this trend in details where will be discussing both advantages and disadvantages of this recent trend.
Contained in two illustrations is the information pertaining to the changes likely to take place at the Southwest Airport after the next year's reconstruction.
Nowadays, the majority of people prefer to communicate online rather than face to face. It is due to unaccessible friends in physically. In my idea, it might be a negative association, because online friends are not reliable. Moreover, for under ages, people might be dangerous for many reasons.
technological advancements have influenced peoples ways of living in different forms. In various cities and countries, this drastic development of living standards affecting human relationships. In this essay, I will discuss the benefits of an advanced lifestyle that also involve drawbacks.
The achievements of any person through various aspects of life is based on their upbringing by their parents. Although, some people might disagree to this statement, I fully aggree to this due to the fact that parents play a major part in their life and also being a constant support whatever obstacles their children may face.
Some individuals think that sports clubs provide opportunities of career to kids but other people do not agree with this idea. I am personally okay with this.
With the development of society, a growing amount of people prefer rapid actions and responses. Additionally, I believe it is not a bad thing for people. This essay will delve into this concept in greater detail and show why it is a negative development.
People nowadays are eager in learning the past of the house or building they reside.In this essay we shall discuss the reason for the people's interest to know about the history of the house or building and how they can achieve it.
In todays world technology is everywhere.There is nothing that technology can't do.Technology is popular in any feild to do any kind of task.They are used to teach,learn,tackfor security purposes and even for doing surgery.There are both advantages and disadvantages in the case of technology.
It is believed by a group of people that growing children in a spirit of competition is benefical. Other individuals consider that there some upsides for relationship among people in co-operation. Even though competition is practical for some situations in life, from my perspective co-operation is vital.
There are many considerations that people should give priority to residing and working in tall constructions because of their advantages, while others prefer the low ones. This writer agrees with the former and gives some main reasons to explain both views.
Nowadays, technologies in computer sistem increased and many things began to depend on this. Many aspects such as communication, medicine and transport as well as depend on this technology.I disagree with the statement because the positive sides that computers have may be more useful than negative ones.
In today’s globalised world technology deeply influences our lives. Some people consider that modern tools make easier our life, while others believe using the internet is dangerous, because our information can be stolen. Personally, I do not agree with this statement and in this essay I will explain my point of view.
Majority of individuals now a days would love to wear branded clothes , For many resones two of those resons were it makes them feel like extra wellthey so it reflict their porsh life style , Because of the high quality , lets explane this more and offer my opinion as well.
It is claim that money should be allocate on developing roads and motorways instead of public transport systems. From my angles, both road and public transport systems play a significant role in our lives and should be equally provide financial support.
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