IELTS Writing Samples Band 3.5

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In the recent years, various technological applications have been used to put people under surveillance through mobile phones and cameras without their awareness. In my opinion, these measures bring about more negative impacts than positive ones.
It is thought that with the use of recent technology, society become more intimate towards one another, while others believe that it creates a seperation. Although technology can be said to be the reason some people are too busy with their own world, I believe that it can be utilized for finding other person who have the same interest with us
in this day, a number of people belive that overeating is harmful and some food should to banned. in my opinion i strongly agree with what they said, in this essay i will give you some reasons and exampls to support my opinion.
The graph illustrates the information about the top honeymoon destinations for newlywed British couples in 2010. The survey was taken between 5,000 couples.
There is a widespread belief that investing in roads and motorways is more crucial than in public transport systems. This write completely disagrees with this statement for several reasons.
Whether money should be spent on public transport sysems like railways and trams or should be invested n motoways and streets is a highly debatable topic. This writer contends that people should take the priority of money investment in street infrastructure rather than public transportation because of preventing traffic congestion and conviniently moving.
Recently, food consumption for student has been drawing world attention as it will impact the development of future generation. Unfortunately, more schools are allowing their students to consume junk food freely. I firmly believe this is a concerning phenomenon and the arguments will be discussed in this essay.
In this contemporary era, feedback on products is becoming easier for inhabitants. I strongly contemplate that this is a postive development.
At present, some people think that space exploration is not much-needed action,while others believe that it is essential for mankind to continue to explore the universe in which we live. In my opinion, I believe that humans need to know and understand all sides of space.
It is considered by some individuals that humans using the land for agricultural purposes, accommodation and industry is more significant than to save it for endangered species. I agree because the population of humans are increasing. Also endangered funa can be put in the zoo.
It is evident that environmental issues such as climate change, deforestation, and air pollution require a global collaboration to effectively address them. However, while International cooperation and agreements are cruical, local activities at individuals and nations level play a significant role. I am content that countries can control this problem by establishing requlations and implementing penalties on individuals or industries who fail to comply with environmental guidlines.
In this day and age ,it is considered by a plethora of individuals that,expensive and scarcity for utilize energy sources such as wind ,sun,waves' power.This is very energy resources that we are to use on a daily basis.This essay will outline both arguments ,and then conclusion will be drawn.
Nowadays, some believe that discoverring the mysteries of universe should be invested. However, many people convince that there are more important purposes which require the value of money. From my point of view, athough space exploration is a vital issue, there are many problems which are more important in the present time.
Many individuals said stories appears on television and in newspaper are more often accompanied by images that seems more effective than saying on those ads. In my prospective its way more attractive in this essay we will discuss the same.
It is irrefutable that today's world opt a sedentary life style rather than doing physical exercise. Some masses thinks children indulge theirself in physical activity more than playing video games and spend more time indoors. I strongly agree with this phenomenon and explain my viewpoint in upcoming paragraphs.
The map illustrates the differences between the current Southwest airport and its future image after the reconstruction will be made.
The purpose of writing this letter to you is that when I got a ticket to London, I left my luggage in the luggage room, but when I arrived in London, my suitcase was full. In my suitcase were my clothes, essentials for leisure, and most importantly, my money. I demand that you find my luggage.
There has been an ongoing debate about whether animals should be in zoos so that people can learn more about animals or they undeniably belong to its natural homes and improve their skills in hunting, fertilizing, and playing around. Personally, I believe that it is efficient to keep them in the zoo for some specific reasons.
Nearly all humans think about studying academic subjects are more important than learning language. I think both of them have advantages and disadvantages, however I choose learning science subject, although
Some people believe that in the upcoming years, humans physical condition should worsen than the present situation. I strongly agree with this statement; the usage of junk foods and a lack of exercise would lead them to reduce their health.
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