IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 8.5

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Nowadays, in most ,countries citizens have to look for jobs in other cities which are so far from their homes, relatives, and close friends. While this issue has its own disadvantages, I personally believe that the advantages would definitely outweigh them.
Through civilization and socialization, more and more people have immigrated to urban areas from the suburbs. Although it has assisted those people to have a better quality of life by finding a better job and having more comfort, it would concentrate the population in specific parts of the globe and has had some negative consequences on our planet. In this essay, I will clarify both sides and point out why its drawbacks exceed its benefits.
Space exploration is one of the biggest achievements throughout human history because humans have curiosity about the universe and its origin because scientists want to look for other terrestrial life on other planets in the solar system. In this essay, I will elaborate on the benefits and drawbacks of this issue from various points of view.
Recently, more and more citizens have tended to purchase items with e-money via smartphone apps in various nations. I agree that the benefits of this human behaviour evolution outweigh the drawbacks. This essay will elaborate on the ease of the e-payment method and the disadvantages of the gadget itself.
In the past, lots of house works were made manually but now, these jobs are done by technological devices.This essay will examine the advantages and disadvantages of this change.
Many in the public consider being self-employed more attractive than working for others. There are several reasons for this trend, with the opportunity to receive higher income being a key factor. However, there are also disadvantages, such as financial insecurity and work-life imbalance.
In the contemporary era, several individuals consider running a business instead of working under someone or for a corporation. This essay will discuss the reasons for the aforementioned viewpoint along with some disadvantages.
Part of the population thinks that learning a second language in primary school is a good idea, whereas others do not agree . This essay will examine the advantages and disadvantages of this action.
It is certainly true that there is a rising tendency about teaching kids a variety of competence. In this essay, I'll discuss the perceived benefits and drawbacks of this trend and provide evidence as to why the pros do in fact outweigh the cons.
With the advancement in technology, cars will be automatic in the upcoming decades. However, the disadvantages are more than the advantages because we can not fully rely on innovation. In the upcoming paragraphs, I will discuss the merits and demerits of driverless vehicles.
In many cultures, hardworking has been known as a moral principle and educated for children. Despite the fact that making efforts plays a key role to be successful, there is no guarantee to achieve your goals because of numerous unpredictable barriers in this way. Therefore, although this attitude can be very beneficial, it has some drawbacks which I will mention in the following:
In the contemporary era, everyone thinks that tourists have increased the value of the English language worldwide. Some people think that it is beneficial for individuals and has changed their lives. However, others think that it causes some trouble. In this essay, I will discuss both the benefits and drawbacks of the same.
Although hard work is a key to success but opportunity has equal significance. In the current time, most people teach their kids that they can get anything in this world by working hard. According to my perception, this statement has numerous drawbacks. Moreover, there are also many benefits such as encouragement.
Nowadays, tourism all around the globe has increased drastically. Leading the population to explore new languages and different cultures, but some people argue that this has led the English language to gain popularity around the world, moreover, few others even believe English would be the only vocabulary used to communicate in the universe. This essay will put some light on the advantages and disadvantages of having a universal tone for communicating.
In recent years, the number of people who opt to establish their own companies has increased. There is the argument that this movement has more advantages than working at other workplaces as an employee. I believe that initiating their own business entails higher levels of risk compared to the potential advantages it may offer.
In today's modern world, many people choose to buy meals in a restaurant than cook in the house. Both of these choices have advantages and disadvantages in taste, price, time, and nutrition. This essay will discuss these views and give a conclusion.
Long-shift hours are common in today's fast-paced world. Working for a long time has both advantages and disadvantages, but the disadvantages are more comparatively and can not be ignored.
With the advancement of technology, countries have started accepting electronic payments in exchange for products. Some might believe it adds greater value to the country's economic growth, whereas, others might feel differently. This essay will talk about both the pros and cons of using mobile phones for funds transfers.
Nowadays, school-aged children have been teaching a second language in elementary schools. While I accept that learning foreign languages at an early age might have some drawbacks, I believe that its benefits are more significant for students.
Recently, people prefer to establish their own job and work for themselves instead of being an employee for other organizations and companies. In this essay, the cause of this choice and its disadvantages will be discussed.
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