IELTS General Writing Task 1 informal Topics/Questions 2024

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This section presents a list of common IELTS General Writing Task 1 informal topics. All these topics were added in 2024 by students who took the IELTS recently. Pick a random topic and start practicing and improving your writing skills.

Write a letter to this friend. In your letter: Tell your friend about the job and what sort of work,if Involves say why you think the job would be suitable for her/him explain how to apply for this job

The parents of your Australian friend Chris have invited you to a surprise birthday party for him/her. Write a letter to Chris’s parents. In your letter Say why you think Chris will enjoy the surprise party. Explain why you won’t be able to attend the party. Give details of a plan and see Chris at a different time. Begin your letter as : Dear Mr and Mrs Collins,

2. You have moved to a new place. Write a letter to a friend giving reason why you moved to that place. Describe that place. Invite your friend to visit you.

You want to sell some of your furniture. You think a friend of yours might like to buy it from you. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter •explain why you are selling •describe the furniture •suggest a date when your friend can come and see the furniture Write at leasr 150 words. You do not need to write any addresses. Begin you letter as follows: Dear .......,

You have seen an advertisement in an Australian magazine for someone to live with a family for six months and look after their six year old child. Write a letter to the parents. In your letter •Explain why you would like the job •Give details of why you will be a suitable person to employ •Say how you would spend your free time while you are in Australia

You are planning to travel abroad and would like a friend to take care of your apartment annd pet cat while you are away: write a letter to your friend: explain how long and why will you be away describe the tasks you would like your friend to do tell your friend that he is welcome to stay in your apartment

Write a letter to your friend in another country where you like to visit for the holidays. In your letter, you should: Explain your travel plans. Describe the interesting places you plan to visit. Ask for suggestion for sightseeing options.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. A friend of yours is thinking of going on a camping holiday for the first time this summer. He/She has asked for your advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter • explain why you think your friend would enjoy a camping holiday • describe some possible disadvantages • say whether you would like to go camping with your friend this summer

You recently borrowed something from a friend. Unfortunately, the item has become damaged. Write a letter to this friend. In your letter remind your friend that you borrowed something from him/her explain how the item became damaged suggest how you can resolve the issue of the damaged item

Your English-speaking friend has asked for your help with a college project he/she is doing about celebrating New Year in different countries. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter - say how important New Year is to people in your country - describe how New Year is celebrated in your country - explain what you like about New Year celebrations in your country

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. You have recently gone to live in a new city. You want to let an English-speaking friend who lives in another country know about it. Write a letter to your English-speaking friend. In your letter: explain why you have gone to live in the new city describe the place where you are living invite your friend to come and see you Write at least 150 words.

A friend of yours is thinking about applying for the same course that you did at university. HelShe has asked for your advice about studying this subject. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter • give details of the course you took at the university • explain Why you recommend the university • give some advice about how to apply

Your friend asked you for some help for the preparation of a party that he/she is going to throw at his/her home. Write a letter to your friend asking: *What can you help with? *What will you bring for the party? *When you have time to help. Begin your letter with: Dear.........., Write at least 150 words.

An overseas friend wants to visit your country on holiday. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter Recommend the best time of year to visit and why Describe the types of accommodation your friend could choose Say what you would like to show your friend in your country Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows:

Your English-speaking friend who lives in your town has asked for your advice about learning a new sport. Write an email to your friend. In your email •Recommend a new sport that would be suitable for your friend to learn •Explain how your friend could learn this sport • Suggest that you both learn this sport together Write at least 150 words. You do not need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows: Dear:....,

A friend has agreed to look after your house and pet while you are on holiday. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter: give contact details for when you are away give instructions about how to care for your pet describe other household duties ​Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows: Dear .....................,

A friend you made while you were studying abroad has written to ask you for hekp in finding a job in your country. you have heard about a job in a local company that might be suitable for him/her. write a letter to this friend. in your letter. tell your friend about the job and what sort of work it involves say why you think the job would be suitable for him/her explain how to apply for the job begin your letter as follows: Dear....,

Last month you had a holiday overseas where you stayed with some friends. They have just sent you some photos of your holiday. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter ● thank them for the photos and for the holiday ● explain why you didn’t write earlier ● invite them to come and stay with you

You recently Stayed at your friends Place to look after the house while he/she is away. You accidentally damaged something in his/her house. write a letter to feed friend In your letter you should : • Describe what the accident was • explain when it happened • Suggest how the damage can be fixed

You recently learned that a close friend of yours has had a baby, and you purchased a gift for the baby. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, you should: Congratulate them on the arrival of the baby. Describe the gift you have chosen for the baby.

You recently received a letter from a friend asking for advice about whether to go to college or to try to get a job. You think he/she should get a job. Write a letter to this friend. In your letter -Say why he/she would not enjoy going to college -Explain why getting a job is a good idea for him/her -Suggest types of job that would be suitable for him/her

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. You have recently moved to a new home. Write a letter to an English-speaking friend. In your letter: explain why you have moved describe the new house invite your friend to come and visit.

Your friend is about to celebrate a landmark birthday and would welcome suggestions as to how it should be celebrate Write a letter to your friend. In your letter - Say what type of party should be held e.g. themed, fancy dress, black tie event. - Suggest a suitable venue - Make recommendation as to entertainment e.g. DJ, jazz band etc

You have seen an advertisement in an Australian magazine for someone to live with a family for six months and look after their six- year-old child. Write a letter to the parents. In your letter •explain why you would like the job. •give details of why you would be a suitable person to employ. •say how you would spend your free time while you are in Australia.

You recently received a letter from a friend asking for advice about whether to go to college or to try to get a job. You think he/she should get a job. Write a letter to this friend. In your letter • say why he/she would not enjoy going to college • explain why getting a job is a good idea for him/her • suggest types of job that would be suitable for him/her Write at least 150 words. You do NOT neer to write any addresses. Begin your letter ad follows

Last month, you travelled to another city. You told a friend who lives in the city that you would meet them, but you did not. Write a letter to this friend. In your letter, - Apologise for not meeting him/her, - Explain why you did not contact him/her earlier - suggest a time and place to meet in the future

Your friend has offered to sell you something. Write a letter to the friend. In your letter include: What the item is Questions requesting details of the item being sold What price you think is fair

Write a letter to a friend who worked at your previous company. You have moved to a new job in a new city. • describe your city • describe your job • describe the arrangements for him to visit you Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows: Dear .....,

You recently went to visit a friend in their new home. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter • tell your friend what you liked about his/her new house • say what you did or enjoyed most about your stay with your friend • suggest when and where you could meet your friend next

A friend who lives in another country has invited you to come and stray with him/her on your next holiday. You are to busy to accept the invitation. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, -Thank him/her for the invitation - Explain why you cannot come - - Ask him/her about other time to visit

A friend has agreed to look after your house and pet while you are on holiday. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter: -Give contact detail for when you are away -Give instructions about how to care for your pet -Describe other household duties Write at least 150 words

You stayed at your friend’s house when you attended a conference in Australia. Unfortunately, you left a large envelope with some important documents in your room. Write a letter to your friend. In the letter: thank your friend for the stay describe where you left the envelope ask him/her to return it to you by post Begin your letter as follows: Dear _________

You have received an important document that needs to be translated. Write a letter to your friend and ask him/her to translate this important document for you. In your letter, explain - •why it is important for you • how fast you need it back • why you need his/her expertise

You have seen an advertisement in an Australian magazine for someone to live with a family for six months and look after their six- year-old child. Write a letter to the parents. In your letter • explain why you would like the job • give details of why you would be a suitable person to employ • say how you would spend your free time while you are in Australia

You have seen an advertisement in an Australian magazine for someone to live with a family for six months and look after their six-year old child.Write a letter to the parents .In your letter -explain why would like the job -give details why you would be a suitable person to employ -say how you spend your free time while you are in Australia

You recently received a letter from a friend asking for advice about whether to go to college or to try to get a job. You think he/she should get a job. Write a lette to this friend. In your letter Say why he/she would not enjoy college explain why getting a good job is a good idea for him/her suggest types job that would be suitable for him/her

You are going away to travel for the summer. A friend will be looking after your house while you are away. Write a letter your friend. In your letter: Say where you are going Describe your house Explain some of the things your friend must do to look after your house •You should write at least 150 words. •You do NOT need to write your own address

You are planning a holiday abroad and will be visiting a town where an old friend lives. You haven't spoken to this friend in a few years. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, give a brief update of your life since you were last in touch explain why you will be travelling to his/her town say what you plan to do when you visit his/her town Write at least 150 words.

Write a letter to a friend inviting them to go on vacation with you. Include Why you want to go on holiday Where you want to go Why you want them to come with you

Write a letter to friend to inform them of a celebration you are having for a recent job promotion. Include information about The promotion The celebration Their accommodation

Your friend is about to celebrate a landmark birthday and would welcome suggestions as to how it should be celebrated. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter • say what type of party should be held e.g. themed, fancy dress, black tie event • suggest a suitable venue • make recommendations as to entertainment e.g. DJ, jazz band

A friend has agreed to stay in your flat (apartment) and look after it while you are away. You want to give your friend some information about the flat. Write a letter to this freind. In your letter: · Give information about the flat · Provide any important instructions · Say what he/she should do if there are any problems

Q. you recently stayed with a childhood friend for a few days. Write a letter to this friend. In your letter: Thank your friend for letting you stay with them. refer to something enjoyable that you did while staying with him/her invite your friend to visit you

Write a letter to a friend who lives in a different city. a.Tell him/her about your recent job offer b.Tell him/her about your arrangement of a dinner to celebrate your achievement c.Inform him/her about the arrangement of his/her accommodation

 You are going away to travel for the summer. A friend will be looking after your house while you are away. Write a letter your friend. In your letter:  Say where you are going  Describe your house  Explain some of the things your friend must do to look after your house • You should write at least 150 words. • You do NOT need to write your own address.

You stayed at your friend’s house when you attended a conference in Australia. Unfortunately, you left a large envelope with some important documents in your room. Write a letter to your friend. In the letter: -Thank your friend for the stay. - Describe where you left the envelope. - Ask him/her to return it to you by post.

Your friend recently moved to new city. You will also be moving to the same city. Write a letter to your friends and include: – Ask where to find a place to live – Tell them what type of place you’re looking for – Share some fun things you would like to do when you get there

You have recently moved to a new city. Write a letter to an English-speaking friend. In your letter Explain why you moved Describe your new city Tell him/her other news

You’re visiting a town where you once worked. Write to a friend you worked with there. Include the following in your letter: Tell your friend about your life now Give him/her details of your visit Arrange how you can meet.

A friend has agreed to look after your house and pet while you are on holiday. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter •Give contact details for when you are away •Give instructions about how to care for your pet •Describe other household duties you would like your friend to undertake When giving contact details, you do NOT need to write any addresses; something like the name of a friend you are staying with or a holiday destination is fine.

You are planning to travel and would like someone to take care of your apartment while you are away. Write a letter to a friend. In your letter •explain why you will be away •ask your friend to take care of your apartment •describe the tasks you want your friend to do Begin your letter as follows: Dear……

A friend of yours is thinking of going on a camping holiday for the first time this summer. He/ She has asked for your advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter:  Explain why you think your friend would enjoy a camping holiday  Describe some possible disadvantages  Say whether you would like to go camping with your friend this summer

A friend of yours is thinking about applying for the same course that you did at university. He/she has asked for your advice about studying this subject . Write a letter to your your letter Give details of the course you took at school Explain why you recommend the university Give some advice on how to apply

You are going away to travel for the summer. A friend will be looking after your house while you are away. Write a letter your friend. In your letter: Say where you are going Describe your house Explain some of the things your friend must do to look after your house •You should write at least 150 words. •You do NOT need to write your own address.

You’ve received a letter from your English pen-friend in which he/she accepts your invitation to come and stay with you in Ukraine for a week. Write a letter to your pen￾friend and say – when the best time to come is and why – what tourist atractions there are in your area – what activities he/she could enjoy during the visit

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. Your friend is thinking about learning to drive and would like some advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter • say why a driving licence is advantageous • recommend a driving school • give any extra guidance/tips

You are preparing an outdoors event. Write a letter to your friend to ask for help with the arrangements. In your letter include: what the event is why the event will happen how your friend can help you

A friend who lives in another country has invited you to come and stay with him/her on tour next holiday. You are too busy to accept the invitation. write a letter to your friend. in your letter, -Thank him/her for the invitation. -Explain why you can't come -Ask him/her about other times to visit.

You recently learned that a close friend of yours has had a baby, and you purchased a gift for the baby. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, you should: Congratulate them on the arrival of the baby Describe the gift you have chosen for the baby Suggest arrangements for your visit to deliver the gift.

Q: You are going to visit New Zealand for an 'English and Homestay' program. You have just received details of your homestay host family. Write your first letter to the family. In your letter 1. introduce yourself 2. ask the family some questions to get information that is important to you 3. tell the family about your arrival date and time

Write a letter to the parents. In your letter Explain why you would like the job Give details of why you would be a suitable person to employ Say how you would spend your free time while you are in Australia

A friend of yours is coming to stay in your house for a week while you are away on holiday. Write a letter to your friend to prepare them for their stay in your letter: -- Give your friend information about the location of your house -- Tell your friend what tasks you would like them to do each day -- Explain what he/she can do and see in your area

Your Australian friend is thinking about making a short visit to your country, and intends to visit a particular tourist attraction during his/her stay. However, you feel that it would be better for your friend to visit a different tourist attraction. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter recommend a good time for your friend to visit your country say why it would be better to visit a different tourist attraction suggest that you and your friend meet

You stayed at your friends’ house when you participated in a business seminar in Australia. You left a file with important documents in your room. Write a letter to your friend, describing the file and ask him/her to return it to you by post.

Your friend invited you to his party but your are unable to attend. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter 1. Explain why you can’t come 2. Give your reason for not contacting your friend sooner 3. Suggest another time to meet

You are living in a city in a foreign country, and a friend from your home country is soon coming to visit you for several days. Write an email to your friend, asking him or her to bring some things from home which you need saying why you need them making arrangements to meet Begin your letter ‘Dear --------’ Do not write any addresse

A friens of yours has always admired your car. You have now decided to sell it. Write a letter to your friend to ask if he I interested in buying your car. In your letter, •Explain why you are selling your car. •Describe the good points and any bad points about your car. •Suggest the friend visits you to see and drive your car.

Write a letter to a friend. You have borrowed something from your friend and it got damaged. -Apologize for damaging the product. -Explain what happened. -Say how are you going to fix the issue.

Band 8 A freiend of yours is thinking of going on a camping holiday for the first time this summer. He has asked for your advice. Write a letter to your friend. th your letter - explain why you think your friend would enjoy a camping holiday - describe some possible disadvantages - say whether you would like to go camping with your friend this summer

Your friend is thinking about learning to drive and would like some advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter Say why a driving license is advantageous Recomend a drving school Give any extra guidance/tips

*You have borrowed something from your friend and it got damaged.** **Write a letter to your friend. In the letter:** - **apologise for the damage to the item** - **explain what happened** - **say how you are going to fix the issue**

You are going to another country to study. You would like to do a part-time job while you’re studying, so you want to ask a friend who lives there for some help. Write a letter to this friend. In your letter: * give details of your study plan * explain why you want to get a part-time job * suggest how your friend could help you find a job

You have recently moved to a different house. Write a letter to an English-speaking friend. In your letter -Explain why you have moved -Describe the new apartment -Invite him or her to pay a visit

You have been busy with your studies for the past month and haven't had time to visit your family. Write a letter to your grandmother. In your letter: Apologize for not getting in touch with her sooner Explain why you have been so busy Arrange a time to visit Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows: Dear Grandmother,

You have seen an advertisement in an Australian magazine for someone to live with a family for six months and look after their six-year-old child. Write a letter to the parents. In your letter - explain why you would lile the job -give details of why you would be a suitable person to employ -say how you would spend your free time while you are in Australia.

Your friend asked you to find a par-time job for him/her to earn some money while studying. You found a job that might be suitable. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, • Give him/her the job description • Explain why he/she should take the job • Say what he/she should do to get the job

You will take a short holiday in London next month and would like to spend some time with a friend who lives there. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, •Tell him when you will be in London and why •Ask him for recommendations of what to do there •Suggest some things you can do together You should write at least 150 words You do NOT need to write any addresses

The parents of your Australian friend Chris have invited you to a surprise birthday party for him/her. Write a letter to Chris’s parents. In your letter, say why you think Chris will enjoy the surprise party explain why you won’t be able to attend the party give details of a plan to see Chris at a different time Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows: Dear Mr and Mrs ....................,

Your friend's dog has recently passed away. Write a letter to console your friend. In your letter: Express your sympathy Include memories you have about the dog Invite your friend to do something with you.

Write a letter to you friend describing he/she should get a job rather than getting in a college. In your letter Say why he/she would not enjoy going to college Explain why getting a Job is a good idea for him Suggest types of job that would be suitable for him

A Australian friend recently sent you a present by post. You want to thank him/her. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter -say how you felt when you received the present -describe what you like about it -explain how you will use the present

Task 1: Your friend has been offered a place on a course at the university where you studied. He/she would like your advice about finding a place to live. Write an email to your friend. In your email, describe where you lived when you were a student at the university recommend the best way for him/her to look for accommodation warn him/her of mistakes students make when choosing accommodation You should write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows: Dear........................,

Write a letter to your relative. In your letter: • Explain when and how long you will be in town. • Ask whether you can stay at their home. • Offer to pay for yourself.

You recently received a letter from a friend asking for advice about whether to go to college or to try to get a job. -Write a letter to this friend

The parents of your Australian friend Chris have invited you to a surprise birthday party for him/her. Write a letter to Chris's parents. In your letter - say why you think Chris will enjoy the surprise party - explain why you won't be able to attend the party - give details of a plan to see Chris at a different time.

You have recently moved into a new house. You want to tell your friend about your good news. Write to your friend. In the letter: • Describe the house. • Describe the neighbourhood. • Invite your friend to come and see the house.

Your best friend is moving back to your city after being overseas for five years. Write a letter to convince your friend to move in with you. In the letter: – Explain how much you have missed your friend – Describe how you feel about your friend’s return – Give reasons that you and your friend should share a home

A friend of yours is thinking of going on a camping holiday for the first time this summer. He/She has asked for your advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter - explain why you think your friend would enjoy a camping holiday - describe some possible disadvantages - say whether you would like to go camping with your friend this summer Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows: Dea

A family member is coming to stay with you. He/she will be arriving by train in the morning, but you won’t be home until the evening. Write a letter to your relative. In your letter: explain arrangements you have made for them to have keys and get into the house tell your relative how to get from the train station to your house say when you will be home and suggest what you could do together that evening You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows: Dear… Write at least 150 words.

You are planning a short visit to a city where one of your relatives lives. Write a letter to your relative. In your letter: • Explain when and how long you will be in town. • Ask whether you can stay at their home. • Offer to pay for yourself.

You have just spent a week with a friend on holiday. When you got home, you realised you had left your wallet there. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter: thank your friend for the holiday explain that you left your wallet in their house give them instructions of how to send it back to you

You arranged to visit a friend abroad but an important event at home has forced you to change the dates of your visit. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter explain the importance of the event apologize for the situation suggest a new arrangement

There will be a traditional celebration in your country and you want to invite your friend from an English-speaking country. Write him/her a letter and invite your friend, explain what happens at the party, - describe the tradition and why it's important in your country, - say why it is important for your friend to be there.

A friend you made while you were studying abroad would like to spend a semester studying in your country. He/She has written to ask for your advice. Write a letter to this friend. In your letter 1. Describe why you think he/she will enjoy it 2. Explain why you recommend studying at your university 3. give some advice about how to apply Write at least 150 words. You do not need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows: Dear_________,

Write a letter to a friend about an upcoming event in your town. Include What the event is Why they would be interested An invitation to stay with you

Your English-speaking friend has asked for your help with a college project he/she is doing about celebra;ng New Year in different countries. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter • say how important New Year is to people in your country • describe how New Year is celebrated in your country • explain what you like about New Year celebra;ons in your country

You have recently started work in a new company. Write a letter to an English- speaking friend. In your letter - explain why you changed jobs - describe your new job - tell him your ither news

You are interested in enrolling in a cooking class at a local college and would like a friend to come with you. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter say where and when the class will be held give reasons why you think your friend might be interested suggest a time and place to meet to discuss the idea Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses.

Write a letter to an English-speaking friend. In your letter: 1). Explain why you have moved. 2). Describe the new house. 3). Invite your friend to come visit.

You have seen an advertisement in an Australian magazine for someone to live with a family for six months and look after their six- year-old child. Write a letter to the parents. In your letter: – Explain why you would like the job – give details of why you would be a suitable person to employ – say how you would spend your free time while you are in Austra

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