IELTS Writing Samples Band 9

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Some people are keen on eating outside the house, while others love to cook at home. This essay will discuss why this is the case and the reasons I prefer homemade meals.
There are multiple factors involved in job selection, ranging from an excellent profile to sheer luck. It can be argued that the interview forms a crucial part of the hiring process, but I do not agree that it is the most important. I contend that the individual’s achievements and professional experience of the candidate are more significant in this process.
The debate over the implications of the migration of people from rural to urban areas has sparked considerable controversy. While some argue this trend brings growth opportunities for rural people, I believe its negative impacts are of higher significance due to the reasons this essay further elaborates on.
For many decades, traditional exams have been the primary method for evaluating students. However, these days, most schools have shifted to new approaches for assessing their students. I believe the new techniques are much more worthwhile than the old-fashioned ones.
It is admitted that technology has made man more social. I firmly agree with this statement.
Some people believe that technological advancements are increasing the income gap among social classes, while others argue that they enable access to higher-quality products, savings, and improved well-being. From my perspective, I firmly agree with the latter statement.
By applying technological devices in daily life, the criminal percentage has been reduced. I firmly agree with this statement.
Consider the yeti. Reputed to live in the mountainous regions of Tibet, Bhutan, and Nepal. Also known by the alias Abominable Snowman. Overgrown, in both senses: eight or ten or twelve feet tall; shaggy. Shy. Possibly a remnant of an otherwise extinct species. More possibly an elaborate hoax, or an inextinguishable hope. Closely related to the Australian Yowie, the Canadian Nuk-luk, the Missouri Momo, the Louisiana Swamp Ape, and Bigfoot. O.K., then: on a scale not of zero to ten but of, say, leprechaun to zombie, how likely do you think it is that the yeti exists?
Whether young learners should be divided into different learning groups according to their academic grades has always been hotly debated. As some maintain that smart kids need to be grouped together, the majority, me included, believe that in providing equal resources, mixed classes may not be the most effective but the most necessary.
The Internet has become increasingly prevalent in education. Many universities are now offering online courses instead of traditional classrooms. From my perspective, I would contend that any potential advantages of this off-campus learning are outweighed by its significant disadvantages.
The issue of what kind of environment should be provided by schools has long been a thorny one. While many feel that the level of competitiveness found within education is excessive, others believe that it is necessary in order to inspire children to excel.
These days, it is a common aim of many people leaving university to try to start up their own company. They believe that running a business has many advantages over working for someone else, such as the freedom to make your own decisions. I agree with this point of view, but it is important to bear in mind that running a business does not suit everybody.
The exponential surge in global population presents multifaceted challenges that transcend economic boundaries, affecting both impoverished, underdeveloped nations and affluent, industrialized countries alike. This demographic phenomenon necessitates a nuanced approach to sustainable development, encompassing a spectrum of socioeconomic and environmental dimensions.
Studies have concluded that our personality and development rely more on the characteristics we are born with than any events that may occur and affect our lives. Even though our genetic background plays a significant role in our later development, it disagrees that they may be a greater influence than exposure to incidents or circumstances in life, and this essay will prove it.
Nowadays, many people love to dine out, while others still like to cook by themselves. Although the traditional lifestyle never loses its charm, I personally enjoy eating outside more for the convenience and the wider range of choices it offers.
China, the most populous country in the world, had been struggling to feed billions of mouths for centuries until hybrid rice was invented. This innovation fundamentally transformed the nation and corroborated the remarkable economic growth that followed in the next two decades. It has not only saved millions of lives but also facilitated the country’s advancement, which makes it the greatest modern innovation in my country.
It is argued that individuals need to be discouraged from making crucial decisions without listening to others’ opinions. Personally, I agree with this viewpoint because everyone’s knowledge is limited, and we might make irrevocable mistakes if we disregard valuable advice.
In this technology era, we are facing the fact that some children consume most of their time with their devices. This issue is inevitable because now all human activities are closely related to smartphones. Though having a tech-savvy generation is a positive development, I believe that the drawbacks for children with gadgets outweigh the benefits.
Some citizens believe planting greenery is more paramount than constructing houses due to the health benefits it provides for the community. However, I absolutely disagree with this because a stable settlement will promote economic development.
Some health issues are associated with excessive consumption of products that are rich in sweeteners and, as a result, need to be restricted with extra charges to diminish consumer demand. I agree with this proposal because it leads to the promotion of healthier alternatives and makes the public more health-conscious.
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