IELTS Writing Samples Band 6.5

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It is often said there is an improvement in the way people live in the 21st century from the past. I partially agree with this, for the growing supply of food resulted from the advancement of technology regardless of the fact that people are not always happy from the increasing loss of physical contact with other people in daily life.
Teaching process has been improved nowadays, and particular tools have been added to inhence the system.Art is one of crucial aspect that are applying in the schools. Some people agree with that and others are not .
Some believe that individuals who live in the current century have a great chance to live a better life as compared with people who lived in past centuries. I totally agree with that because we live in a world that is full of facilities which make life easier than it was before and there are several human rights that protect kids and women.
As society evolves in the modern era, an increasing number of individuals, especially those in the younger generation, are abandoning the habit of reading books. In this essay, I will discuss the reasons why people are reluctant to read books and explain the potential consequences of this phenomenon.
One of the most effective strategies for alleviating poverty in developing countries is providing up to six years of free education, equipping individuals with essential literacy and numeracy skills. I fully endorse this approach as a fundamental step towards breaking the cycle of poverty. This essay will explore how free education can empower individuals and communities, and will also consider additional measures that can complement this initiative in reducing poverty.
Nowadays, the popularity of holding online meetings and training is increasing day by day. I still believe that this ongoing trend has more upsides than downsides.
Currently, most industries are using plastic due to the convenience. However, there are statements that plastic is causing pollution. In this essay, I will talk about the bad impacts of wasted plastic and solutions to address the problems.
Some people believe that authorities should spend money on public services instead of the arts. I disagree with this statement because arts contribute to cultural preservation and enrichment.
Currently, the world is changing rapidly. Some people dislike these changes because of their inconvenience. Others welcome and enjoy these transitions. This essay will discuss both perspectives in detail.
Some people argue that we no longer remember the original meaning of traditional festivals and that most people only consider them as opportunities to have fun. Although I agree that the most important task of festivals is enjoying them, I do not agree that people have forgotten the meaning of these festivals.
Many people worldwide think that traditional celebrations no longer have the same crucial impact on their lives due to urbanization, leading people to leave their cultural heritage behind. This essay will discuss both reasons for the rapid advancement of this phenomenon, and what procedures can be made to help avoid this problem.
Education is the key to success. Healthcare workers and teachers play a vital role in the development of society and they should be motivated more as compared to actors and the fun industry. I completely agree with this statement. In the upcoming paragraphs, I will describe some points to support my opinion.
Gun violence has steadily risen in many nations around the globe because individuals have permits to obtain them. I strongly agree with this statement and will discuss two significant violent scenarios that emerge through it.
These days, many parents are putting a lot of pressure on their children to succeed. This is because of increased competition, society's expectations, and the desire for a better future. However, this pressure can have both positive and negative effects.
It is often argued that expansion number of sports amenities is the most appropriate way to boost public health. While others believe that expanding quantities of sports facilities is not the best solution. This essay will show whether additional sports facilities are really needed or not.
Some individuals believe that housing should be constructed in the empty areas of cities and towns. However, others agree that instead there should be parks building housing facilities in free areas that have less damage planting trees which is crucial for the environment. I would agree that we should not dwell in vacant areas . This essay will explain why there should be no construction efforts in unoccupied areas.
Employment is an essential part of human life. Most people prefer to stay on one career path throughout their life that makes them master in their career, while others choose to explore various jobs which will give them diverse experiences. In my opinion, this idea depends on an individual's interests and decisions.
In the contemporary era, with increased awareness of environmentalism, the question of whether the only solution to address pollution is to impose fees on factories has become a matter of considerable debate. From my perspective, charging is not the sole approach to alleviating these problems.
Some people state that students should focus on school work, while I believe getting paid for a job would be an essential and precious experience for them. This is because they can explore the careers they desire, and learn to be responsible for themselves.
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