IELTS Writing Samples Band 7.5

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In the contemporary era, it is believed that people in this century are having a good life in comparison to past centuries. I certainly agree with this statement, so this essay will discuss how nowadays life can not only provide easy and rapid solutions but also includes high quality services.
One of the most overwhelming challenges for every parent is the issue of raising their children and leading them to the path of success. To achieve this goal some parents are burdening their children with excessive amounts of stress these days. There are several explanations for this behaviour, including social expectations, a competitive educational system, and the pursuit of a better future, but the question is whether this intense pressure leads to positive outcomes or failures. From my point of view, these actions will definitely result in negative consequences. In this essay, I will explore the underlying causes and also elaborate on the drawbacks of these attitudes.
In the era of globalization, a diverse range of individuals are enthusiastic and obsessed with the idea of exploring aliens and new planets. Therefore, governments are spending money to investigate new creatures. An array of persons are assume it is a waste of money, time and resources. However, others believe it will help with accommodation issues. I totally disagree with this argument, I will elaborate on my point of view.
The debate surrounding whether it is beneficial for students to pursue their tertiary educational level overseas or not has sparked considerable controversy. While this notion brings mere drawbacks, it also offers substantial perks to them due to the reasons this essay further elaborates on.
In recent years, with the significant changes in our lifestyle, and family dynamics becoming more and more modern, family demands have also changed to a large extent which requires both parents to work. Although some people believe that this can turn to the children’s advantage since parents can make more money, others disagree on the grounds that it causes the children to suffer from insufficient support from their family. I agree with the second group. In the following, I will explore both views and elaborate on my own.
There is no one on this planet who does not like to get a raise but the question is at what price? In my opinion, a hefty salary is always something we should aspire for but after a certain amount of money, it’s the satisfaction while doing a job that will keep you motivated and take you places in the long run, therefore I do not agree with the statement. In this essay, we will discuss arguments favouring both sides.
Much has been debated over the loose regulation of the architectural styles of new houses and office buildings, with some arguing that it is better to allow people to have the freedom to choose the design they want. While acknowledging the reasons for this thinking, I would contend that potential benefits overshadow its perceived drawbacks.
It is argued that individual efforts to protect the environment are insignificant, while others believe that such actions can make a substantial difference. In my opinion, individual actions play a crucial role in environmental conservation and can collectively lead to significant positive impacts.
It is undeniable that going to university is essential for everyone to build a better future. However, it has been common that, prior to continuing their study, youngsters tend to spend a year working or travelling. This is not completely straightforward and, in this essay, I will discuss its pros and cons.
There is an increasing number of people who choose to be self-employed instead of working for a company or an institution. In this essay, I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of being self-employed.
In recent years, an increasing number of citizens have preferred to eat at restaurants or dairy shops instead of cooking at their residences. Many people argue that buying from restaurants or superstores is easier than cooking at home, while others believe that preparing at home has more protein, is fresh, and is cheap.
Some individuals believe that the loss of specific species of plants and animals is the most crucial environmental issue of our time. However, I firmly disagree with the notion that the extinction of species is the main environmental problem. This essay will explore other environmental concerns, such as climate change and pollution, which are arguably more deleterious.
It is said that kids should be raised to be competitive, while others think that cooperation will be more valuable as they enter adulthood. This essay will make the case that although competing with other peers brings success to children, being able to work as a team will be more beneficial later in life.
Owing to the problem that the development of contemporary devices alleviates crime, while others think it's the opposite of the result which probably increases crimes in advance. Presumably, it has two sides of perspectives. However, in this topic, I will state my opinions in the following paragraphs.
In today’s society, people’s perspectives on education have shown significant divergence. Some argue that allowing everyone to attend college regardless of their academic performance is essential for students. From my perspective, I agree with this viewpoint.
It is controversial that restrictions on the use of flights are necessary since they harm the environment and consume the global resources of fuel. I partially agree with this view, for the increasing amount of contaminated air as well as the severe shortage of petrol regardless of the fact that air travel has played a significant role in boosting the number of foreign tourists.
Minerals have played not only a significant role in the advancements of technology in recent years but also are an irreplaceable part of human life. Many people argue that the need to research different ore and valuable materials is worthwhile, nevertheless, others are against this claim. The following essay is going to discuss both views and state my point of view about this statement.
People have different views about whether the best way to reduce crime by the perpetrators is by extending their punishment period or by finding other alternative approaches instead. while extended periods of punishment can sometimes be useful for them to realize what they have done to be in such a place, In my opinion, providing them the alternative approaches like psychological counselling would help them to be a good person in society.
In the contemporary era, it is becoming more affordable to travel to many destinations because of the drop that occurred in flying ticket prices. This essay will suggest that the opportunity for improving one's life and discovering other cultures are the foremost benefits, and demonstrate that the increase in the immigration rate and the fall in salaries for this sector careers are the primary drawbacks.
In the modern era, meetings and discussions are being conducted online by employers due to several conveniences. There are both pros and cons to this ongoing trend, but I would argue that the drawbacks exceed the benefits.
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